Be Responsible For Your Home
This responsibility does not just deal with commercial property or public spaces, it is also applicable to personal property, like your home.
If you are a guest in a person's house you should be able to feel reasonably safe about your surroundings.
That safety is upheld by premises liability laws that help to ensure that homeowners are responsible for activities that go on in their home.
If you have been invited into a person's home, you are considered a licensee by the law.
As a licensee, you have certain protections within the justice system to protect you in the event of aninjury that happens on someone else's property.
Whether it is a busted floorboard or a loose railing, unseen dangers can leave guests with serious injuries.
Every homeowner has a responsibility to take reasonable measures to have a hazard fixed or safely marked.
There are three points that a person is responsible to prove in a premises liability case at a person's home.
The first fact that must be established is that the homeowner knew or should have known about the danger that caused the accident.
Next, it must be shown that the homeowner did not take reasonable steps to fix the issue or at least indicate the potential danger.
Finally, it is important to show that the injured licensee did not know or could not have known that the danger was present.
These three points are crucial to every premises liability case.
If you feel that your injury was the result of the negligence of a homeowner, you need an attorney who can fight for you.
Please visit the website of your Iowa injury lawyers at LaMarca & Landry, P.