Your Website isn't Doing It's Job. Let's Analyze That

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In the marketing world, nothing has ever presented the potential for businesses to learn quite like the Internet. After all, websites are part of a broad digital universe where computers speak to each other through numbers, telling you who's coming to your site, where they are going and how long they are staying and what they are saying.

With that type of opportunity, it's a wonder that more companies aren't tuned in to what's actually going on with their sites…and with the people who are coming to visit and buy their products and services.

Website SEO Analysis is just one of the powerful tools that companies can use to better understand the metrics of their site. The analysis can be used to either tweak, or totally rebuild site strategy in order to maximize impact and generate positive consumer interactions in the online space. There are three main areas that Website SEO Analysis can be used to generate increased focus and success for your business in the online environment: accessibility, website content strength and online reputation. Let's take a little deeper dive in to each of these to give you a better understanding of how they can impact your business and your online success.

Accessibility Errors

Accessibility Errors are a vital pillar in building a solid online strategy. To break it down to laymen's terms, Accessibility Errors are the errors that prevent your website from being noticed by search engines. These can include broken and dead links, inefficient or incorrect sitemapping, domain redirection, blocks to search engine crawlers and 404 errors.
All of these Accessibility Errors can have a major impact on your visibility and your ability to drive customer traffic to your online space. Put it this way…if crawlers aren't pulling up your site…potential customers are going somewhere else.

Website Content Strength

There is a fine line between representing your brand online and driving the maximum amount of traffic. With the right guidance, companies manage to find a way to maximize both…often through a smart mix of brand identifying words and keywords that help to drive traffic via search engines.

Here is a short background to make this easier to grasp.
Search engines send out crawlers, which go through website content once a search is performed by a consumer. The search engine will find the most relevant content, which will then appear at the front of organic search listings. So, what happens when the content on your site is weak in appropriate keywords?

You get the point.

The right Website SEO Analysis tool is able to not only tell you the quality of the keywords you have on your site, grading them by relevance and volume but also the uniqueness, richness and clickability of your page tags. As we pointed out before, the right combination of keywords and tags playing in the content mix will not only keep your search rankings strong, but will allow you to continue to reinforce the brand identity you've created, the basic ying and yang of successful online companies.

Site Online Reputation

If you didn't know…the web is no longer a one way street…more and more the dialogue that takes place online goes not just two ways but in all directions. Consumers have a voice…and it may involve interaction with your brand. For this reason, it's important that you have the right tools to monitor what's being said about your company and the ability to respond to the webiverse in the appropriate fashion.
Website Grader Tool gives you the ability to keep track of all the channels where your brand is being talked about, praised and scrutinized by consumers and advocates. Things like articles, blogs, reviews, videos and RSS feeds can all be monitored, keeping you aware of what's being said, helping guide your response and customer interaction strategy…making for a healthy online company both now and down the road.
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