Penis Enlargement Exercises and Other Methods
Doing this can majorly boost your confidence and give you the self-esteem you have always been looking for.
By using these methods you never have to worry about any adverse or negative side-effects like with certain drugs.
The first exercise/stretch we will examine is the kegel.
This is an exercise which has been around for many years and has proven to get results in all of the men who have tried it.
This particular exercise builds up the muscles of your pelvic floor, strengthening the pelvic group of muscles in your body.
This exercise is named after the doctor who innovated this stretch that has gotten results in so many men.
There is also another exercise called the jelq.
This exercise works a different way, but still gives you all of the effectiveness and safety of the previous exercise.
It promotes more blood flow to your erect penis, so when you are hard you have more inches in terms of both length and girth.
These stretches will be extremely effective, but only if done on a regular basis.
By doing this, you are ensuring that you will have a larger penis in no time.
But if your penis is not stretched each day for at least fifteen to twenty minutes, then you will not see any real results.
Like any other muscle in the body, it must be worked consistently in order to grow and strengthen.
For more stretches you can use the internet as a great resource for information on the topic.