Alternative to an Apartment Eviction
- Cash-for-keys is when you offer your tenant money to get out of your apartment by a certain date. This may go against your principles; however, this could be shortsighted thinking. With a cash incentive, your tenant could get out almost immediately as opposed to the month-long-or-more scenarios that come with evictions.
You can also get away cheaper through cash-for-keys than you would by hiring a professional to handle your eviction. In addition, you probably will have fewer hard feelings and less chance of your tenant vandalizing your property as retaliation for the eviction. - If it is close to the end of the lease, the landlord can simply choose not to renew the lease. Each state has different laws on what is required from the landlord to notify the tenant that the lease will not be renewed. As a landlord, you could also tell your tenant, when it is almost time for the lease to end, that you plan to increase the rent by 10 percent or 15 percent. That should make the tenant want to leave.
- If you have an undesirable tenant, maybe the problem can be worked out through mediation. If you do not think you can do this yourself, you can hire a professional mediator. Sometimes sitting down and discussing the problems will be enough to get the tenant to change his bad behavior. In addition, if the tenant realizes the expenses he will endure by being forced to move, he may be motivated to become a better tenant.
- If the reason you want to evict is for lack of rent payment, maybe your tenant is eligible for assistance. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has programs for low-income individuals to help pay their rent. Maybe your tenant qualifies for food stamps through the U.S. Department of Agriculture. If your tenant gets financial assistance, he may be able to pay the rent on time.
Increase Rent
Get Mediation
Refer Tenant to Social Services