Step 15: Add the glow to more glass pieces
By Sara Froehlich, Contributor
Use the direct select tool to select the glass bowl, and remove the stroke as you did on the glass top piece. Go to Effect > Inner Glow (the last used Effect will be at the top of the Effect Menu) and set the same settings as above EXCEPT change the blur to about 22 pixels. (Don't forget to change the Mode to Multiply, and you will have to change the color to gray again as well!)
Use the direct select tool to select the glass bowl, and remove the stroke as you did on the glass top piece. Go to Effect > Inner Glow (the last used Effect will be at the top of the Effect Menu) and set the same settings as above EXCEPT change the blur to about 22 pixels. (Don't forget to change the Mode to Multiply, and you will have to change the color to gray again as well!)