The Truth of Genesis: An Attack Against Christians and Jews - Part 7B, Final Disposition!
Who is Yeshua (Jesus)? Most of mankind does not know. Yehovah gave up His Supreme Spirit existence for mankind, in order to become Yeshua (John 3:16, 1 Timothy 3:16). Yeshua was Melchizedek (John 8:56). As Yehovah, He appeared before Abraham, and Isaac, (Genesis 17:1, 18:1), and spoke directly to Jacob (Genesis 31:3). There aren't two Kings of Israel, but only one (Isaiah 42:8). Instead of saying €Jesus is Lord€, it is better to say €Yeshua is Yehovah€!!
Mainstream Christianity has inherited lies from the Constantine regime. Catholicism and Protestantism were never true Christianity, and have a history of persecuting the Jews, and the disciples of Yeshua. If your belief system does not teach conversion as the Apostles taught in the book of Acts, then you are lost. Deny it all you will, but the facts will remain. Part 7A defined the correct €birth of the water€, and the €birth of the Spirit€. If you have to, find and read it again. I urge all to leave their false doctrines behind, and seek an Oneness assembly. Behold, I have told you before, because things are about to get bloodcurdling.
The fifth gospel of the Bible is the Revelation of Jesus Christ. In order for things stated in Revelation (and Matthew chapter 24) to occur, the United States must first fall, or be unable to intervene. Search the Internet for €An Attack upon America, Part 4B€. Even though there was voter fraud, enough of the blind and foolish voted for the re-election of President Obama, instead of voting him out. Before the end of this Summer, you're going to regret it.
As I've said before, President Obama is not the anti-Christ, as many of the ignorant have called him. I consider him the €forerunner€, whose purpose is to bring about the downfall of the USA. The anti-Christ will be revealed, for all to see, in about the fourth quarter of 2018 AD, when he begins the abomination in Jerusalem. However, Elijah and Enoch will stand in the streets and prophecy against him, dressed in sackcloth, for about 42 months.
Meanwhile, on and after the seventh day of the fifth biblical month of this year, the nightmare begins, starting in the USA. President Obama will show his hand, and Christians and Jews will be attacked, persecuted, and beheaded. Those that taught and believed the false doctrine that the saints were going to be raptured before the advent of the €great tribulation€, are going to be acutely disappointed. There is no pre-tribulation rapture! Those that thought that they were €Christians€, and believed not the €Oneness gospel€, will soon join the other side, and turn against true Christians, in an attempt to (temporarily) save their own skin.
But don't worry. It gets even worst. Even some of those that have the true gospel, seeing that Jesus still has not come, will turn against other saints, and accept the mark of the beast. It's going to be bad the first 3 years, from mid-2014 to 2018. The next 3 years, it's going to get even worst, until near the end of 2021, according to my interpretation of the celestial sign given by Yehovah, which was the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. Once the barley in Jerusalem is aviv in 2014, we will about know the dates.
Those of you that are atheists, or agnostics, read the book of Revelation, and watch things unfold before your eyes. But if you wait till then, it might be too late for you, because without human agency, you can't obtain salvation. The €sinner's prayer€ is Satan's lie. Even if you think you have found someone, they may not trust you, and may turn you away.
President George W. Bush, foolishly called Islam a €noble faith€. It is Islam, which is now being promoted by the €pseudo Christian€ President Obama, that will lead the persecution of Christians and Jews. No matter what President Obama may say now, once a liar, always a liar. From Obamacare, down to each Executive Order, its goal is to usher in the dominance of Islam, coupled with the €new World Order€. But the end is not yet. There will be a monetary collapse, fallout from Fukushima, martial law, foreign invasion/occupation, worldwide large scale deaths, terrestrial and celestial disasters, coupled with events greater than your worst ever nightmare, along with the forced €mark of the beast€.
During the second Temple period, when the renewed Moon was sighted, two witnesses were chosen to enter into the Temple. The High Priest would say €Come up hither€! If the priest believed their report, the order would be given to €Sound the trumpet€! At the end of the sixth month, this was for the moadim called €The Day of Trumpets€! A new month has begun.
The temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt, and the anti-Christ will desecrate it, and declare himself to be €god€. Both Elijah and Enoch will be overcome and killed by the anti-Christ, after their testimony is finished. Their bodies will not be buried. Revelation chapter eleven says that their bodies will lie in the street for 3 days. Yet the rest of the narrative sounds like the Day of Trumpets, and the beginning of the First Resurrection. First was Jesus, then the first fruits (24 Elders), then the rapture of the saints, then the final resurrection, when all of mankind, from Creation Week till Satan is cast in the Lake, is resurrected to face the White Throne Judgment.
In Part 7A, we said that the Kingdom of God was a two tier existence. At the second coming of Yeshua (2021 AD?), swords come out of Yeshua's mouth and kills the armies of the anti-Christ at Armageddon. Satan is bound for 1,000 years, and the saints are raptured and judged in Heaven. Those that are deemed worthy shall be assigned to rule the universes that the rebel angels vacated. The others shall live in the New Jerusalem, once Yeshua returns a third time (with all His saints) after the thousand years are finished, and Lucifer is loosed from the bottomless pit. This time, fire will come out of Yeshua's mouth, and kill all of the armies that Satan caused to fight against Israel (3028 AD?) at Armageddon a second time. Lucifer will then be cast into the Lake of Fire. Then, Judgment Day begins.
I am persuaded, that Yeshua will not judge mankind, but will delegate that task to His saints. Many hundreds of thousands of saints will have long lines of those to judge, starting with the fallen angels, the €disembodied spirits€ (demons), and then all of mankind that have ever lived on Earth during its 4.6 billion year history. Those that fail that judgment will be cast into the Lake of Fire, to burn in torment forever with Lucifer, the anti-Christ, and the false prophet. Those that pass the judgment will live forever on the New Earth, or in other star systems if they chose to later go there.
With a €new Earth and universe€, Yeshua will reign forever in Jerusalem. But what about those saints that didn't get to rule other universes (see Part 1)? What happens to them? I'm guessing that they too will have a lesser assignment. Yehovah created this universe to be explored and inhabited by mankind. As united mankind ventures far out into unknown groups of galaxies, I'm thinking that they will have a saint, with a glorified body, to accompany them as a safety measure. The question that I now ponder, is €what will the angels in Heaven do then to occupy themselves€? Think of eternal life, never aging over thirty, with no evil or disease, forever giving thanks to Yeshua!!
Herman Cummings
Mainstream Christianity has inherited lies from the Constantine regime. Catholicism and Protestantism were never true Christianity, and have a history of persecuting the Jews, and the disciples of Yeshua. If your belief system does not teach conversion as the Apostles taught in the book of Acts, then you are lost. Deny it all you will, but the facts will remain. Part 7A defined the correct €birth of the water€, and the €birth of the Spirit€. If you have to, find and read it again. I urge all to leave their false doctrines behind, and seek an Oneness assembly. Behold, I have told you before, because things are about to get bloodcurdling.
The fifth gospel of the Bible is the Revelation of Jesus Christ. In order for things stated in Revelation (and Matthew chapter 24) to occur, the United States must first fall, or be unable to intervene. Search the Internet for €An Attack upon America, Part 4B€. Even though there was voter fraud, enough of the blind and foolish voted for the re-election of President Obama, instead of voting him out. Before the end of this Summer, you're going to regret it.
As I've said before, President Obama is not the anti-Christ, as many of the ignorant have called him. I consider him the €forerunner€, whose purpose is to bring about the downfall of the USA. The anti-Christ will be revealed, for all to see, in about the fourth quarter of 2018 AD, when he begins the abomination in Jerusalem. However, Elijah and Enoch will stand in the streets and prophecy against him, dressed in sackcloth, for about 42 months.
Meanwhile, on and after the seventh day of the fifth biblical month of this year, the nightmare begins, starting in the USA. President Obama will show his hand, and Christians and Jews will be attacked, persecuted, and beheaded. Those that taught and believed the false doctrine that the saints were going to be raptured before the advent of the €great tribulation€, are going to be acutely disappointed. There is no pre-tribulation rapture! Those that thought that they were €Christians€, and believed not the €Oneness gospel€, will soon join the other side, and turn against true Christians, in an attempt to (temporarily) save their own skin.
But don't worry. It gets even worst. Even some of those that have the true gospel, seeing that Jesus still has not come, will turn against other saints, and accept the mark of the beast. It's going to be bad the first 3 years, from mid-2014 to 2018. The next 3 years, it's going to get even worst, until near the end of 2021, according to my interpretation of the celestial sign given by Yehovah, which was the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. Once the barley in Jerusalem is aviv in 2014, we will about know the dates.
Those of you that are atheists, or agnostics, read the book of Revelation, and watch things unfold before your eyes. But if you wait till then, it might be too late for you, because without human agency, you can't obtain salvation. The €sinner's prayer€ is Satan's lie. Even if you think you have found someone, they may not trust you, and may turn you away.
President George W. Bush, foolishly called Islam a €noble faith€. It is Islam, which is now being promoted by the €pseudo Christian€ President Obama, that will lead the persecution of Christians and Jews. No matter what President Obama may say now, once a liar, always a liar. From Obamacare, down to each Executive Order, its goal is to usher in the dominance of Islam, coupled with the €new World Order€. But the end is not yet. There will be a monetary collapse, fallout from Fukushima, martial law, foreign invasion/occupation, worldwide large scale deaths, terrestrial and celestial disasters, coupled with events greater than your worst ever nightmare, along with the forced €mark of the beast€.
During the second Temple period, when the renewed Moon was sighted, two witnesses were chosen to enter into the Temple. The High Priest would say €Come up hither€! If the priest believed their report, the order would be given to €Sound the trumpet€! At the end of the sixth month, this was for the moadim called €The Day of Trumpets€! A new month has begun.
The temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt, and the anti-Christ will desecrate it, and declare himself to be €god€. Both Elijah and Enoch will be overcome and killed by the anti-Christ, after their testimony is finished. Their bodies will not be buried. Revelation chapter eleven says that their bodies will lie in the street for 3 days. Yet the rest of the narrative sounds like the Day of Trumpets, and the beginning of the First Resurrection. First was Jesus, then the first fruits (24 Elders), then the rapture of the saints, then the final resurrection, when all of mankind, from Creation Week till Satan is cast in the Lake, is resurrected to face the White Throne Judgment.
In Part 7A, we said that the Kingdom of God was a two tier existence. At the second coming of Yeshua (2021 AD?), swords come out of Yeshua's mouth and kills the armies of the anti-Christ at Armageddon. Satan is bound for 1,000 years, and the saints are raptured and judged in Heaven. Those that are deemed worthy shall be assigned to rule the universes that the rebel angels vacated. The others shall live in the New Jerusalem, once Yeshua returns a third time (with all His saints) after the thousand years are finished, and Lucifer is loosed from the bottomless pit. This time, fire will come out of Yeshua's mouth, and kill all of the armies that Satan caused to fight against Israel (3028 AD?) at Armageddon a second time. Lucifer will then be cast into the Lake of Fire. Then, Judgment Day begins.
I am persuaded, that Yeshua will not judge mankind, but will delegate that task to His saints. Many hundreds of thousands of saints will have long lines of those to judge, starting with the fallen angels, the €disembodied spirits€ (demons), and then all of mankind that have ever lived on Earth during its 4.6 billion year history. Those that fail that judgment will be cast into the Lake of Fire, to burn in torment forever with Lucifer, the anti-Christ, and the false prophet. Those that pass the judgment will live forever on the New Earth, or in other star systems if they chose to later go there.
With a €new Earth and universe€, Yeshua will reign forever in Jerusalem. But what about those saints that didn't get to rule other universes (see Part 1)? What happens to them? I'm guessing that they too will have a lesser assignment. Yehovah created this universe to be explored and inhabited by mankind. As united mankind ventures far out into unknown groups of galaxies, I'm thinking that they will have a saint, with a glorified body, to accompany them as a safety measure. The question that I now ponder, is €what will the angels in Heaven do then to occupy themselves€? Think of eternal life, never aging over thirty, with no evil or disease, forever giving thanks to Yeshua!!
Herman Cummings