How to Build a 2D Character Mode
- 1). Open your game development environment of choice and create a folder to hold the 2D character mode.
- 2). Add a 2D backdrop to the game using the classes and methods provided by your gaming framework.
- 3). Create a new class called "SpriteParent." Add properties to represent the position of the x-axis and y-axis coordinates. Use a struct to position your sprite if your programming framework provides this feature, as a struct works better than a class for rapidly processing numerical data.
- 4). Create a method in the SpriteParent class to move the character. Subscribe this method to the keystroke event in your program. Implement a "switch-case" statement to move the sprite in response to keystroke events. Place logic needed by all sprites within the members of the SpriteParent class.
- 5). Create individual sprites that inherit from the SpriteParent class. Add unique, customized logic to each class as required. Write logic shared by more than one object in a class that other objects can inherit. For example, if your game includes many different enemies, create an enemy class and allow all enemy sprites to inherit from the enemy class.
- 6). Use sprites to create the game score, health bar and other objects. Recycle sprites from your game's 3D mode, if applicable -- 3D games use sprites for these purposes.