Luggage Policies at Norwegian (Norwegian Air)
Baggage Policies at Norwegian Air:
Maximum 2 pieces of checked-in luggage, each weighing up to 20 kg/44 lbs. The price per piece of checked-in luggage is not included in the flight ticket price at this airline, and is currently NOK 40-120 (for luggage fee details, see their website below.) The airline is based in Norway and has different luggage fees for domestic and international flights.
Excess Weight of Baggage:
If your luggage exceeds the weight limit stated above, extra charges are NOK 60-65.
If you haven't included all your luggage in your online reservation and then bring more, or go above the weight limit for checked-in luggage, Norwegian Air will add a cost of NOK 65 per piece (domestic flights) or NOK 60 per piece (international flights).
Carry On Luggage Policies at Norwegian Air:
Carry on luggage is allowed up to 10 kg/22 lbs per passenger.
Other Restrictions/Limits:
Infants receive a baggage allowance of 10 kg/22 lbs for checked-in luggage, i.e. strollers/trolleys, or car seats. Sporting equipment costs between NOK 200-300 extra.
Norwegian Air's official luggage regulations.
Need luggage regulations for another airline? Visit the list of current luggage policies at different airlines.