Say Goodbye to Acid Reflux with These 7 Natural Remedies
Are you looking for acid reflux natural remedies because you don't want to take medicines to treat it? Don't you just hate it when you experience some side effects when taking medicines? If you answered yes to these questions then you are already in the right place. In here, you will find effective natural remedies that will help cure your acid reflux or Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). All you have to do now is to continue reading this article.
First on this list of acid reflux natural remedies is to eat six times a day. Those six meals do not mean six full meals. Instead of eating three heavy meals try to eat six small meals. You should do this because when you eat too much, there is a chance of those foods getting back to your esophagus. So just have small frequent feedings. Doing so will relax your stomach and strengthen your lower esophageal sphincter (LES). But you have to remember that you must not eat even a light meal two hours before you go to bed.
The next on this list of acid reflux natural remedies is to use apple cider vinegar. Don't think that this is crazy. Yes, it is an acid but it can cure your acid reflux. To use this, just add one teaspoon of it to a half glass of water. Drink this while you are eating your dinner.
Using fennel seeds is the third acid reflux natural remedies. This is an aromatic herb which is used in curing many digestive problems like stomach spasms and acid reflux. What you have to do is to chew ½ teaspoon of fennel seeds after eating.
The fourth on this acid reflux natural remedies list is to quit smoking. Do this because smoking lowers the ability of your LES to close the stomach which will then make the acid go to your esophagus.
Sleeping on your left side is the fifth acid reflux natural remedies. When you sleep on your left side, you stomach is kept below your esophagus. This will prevent acid reflux when you are sleeping. You must also have your upper body raised, not just your head. You can put some pillows on your back or raise the head of your bed.
Next remedy is to eat or drink papaya. You must eat fresh and raw papaya every day. When your digestion is slow, your stomach produces excessive amounts of acid. Papaya can make your digestion normal and cure acid reflux. If you don't like eating papaya then just drink papaya juice but do not add sugar or milk to it.
The last natural remedy is to use lemon and baking soda when acid regurgitation happens to you. Have a lemon squeezed to a glass of water, add a pinch of salt and add one teaspoon of baking soda. Mix it thoroughly and drink it. This will cure your acid reflux and relieve the symptoms like heartburn.
So those are just some of the acid reflux natural remedies which you can use. Now all you have to do is to start utilizing everything that you have learned here and surely your acid reflux will go away.
First on this list of acid reflux natural remedies is to eat six times a day. Those six meals do not mean six full meals. Instead of eating three heavy meals try to eat six small meals. You should do this because when you eat too much, there is a chance of those foods getting back to your esophagus. So just have small frequent feedings. Doing so will relax your stomach and strengthen your lower esophageal sphincter (LES). But you have to remember that you must not eat even a light meal two hours before you go to bed.
The next on this list of acid reflux natural remedies is to use apple cider vinegar. Don't think that this is crazy. Yes, it is an acid but it can cure your acid reflux. To use this, just add one teaspoon of it to a half glass of water. Drink this while you are eating your dinner.
Using fennel seeds is the third acid reflux natural remedies. This is an aromatic herb which is used in curing many digestive problems like stomach spasms and acid reflux. What you have to do is to chew ½ teaspoon of fennel seeds after eating.
The fourth on this acid reflux natural remedies list is to quit smoking. Do this because smoking lowers the ability of your LES to close the stomach which will then make the acid go to your esophagus.
Sleeping on your left side is the fifth acid reflux natural remedies. When you sleep on your left side, you stomach is kept below your esophagus. This will prevent acid reflux when you are sleeping. You must also have your upper body raised, not just your head. You can put some pillows on your back or raise the head of your bed.
Next remedy is to eat or drink papaya. You must eat fresh and raw papaya every day. When your digestion is slow, your stomach produces excessive amounts of acid. Papaya can make your digestion normal and cure acid reflux. If you don't like eating papaya then just drink papaya juice but do not add sugar or milk to it.
The last natural remedy is to use lemon and baking soda when acid regurgitation happens to you. Have a lemon squeezed to a glass of water, add a pinch of salt and add one teaspoon of baking soda. Mix it thoroughly and drink it. This will cure your acid reflux and relieve the symptoms like heartburn.
So those are just some of the acid reflux natural remedies which you can use. Now all you have to do is to start utilizing everything that you have learned here and surely your acid reflux will go away.