3 Ways You Can Save Your Marriage Without Losing Your Personal Self Respect
He wants a divorce.
You, on the other hand, want to save the marriage.
So what do you need to do? What can you do to stop your spouse from leaving without becoming "that crazy wife"? Do not worry.
You can save your marriage.
However, be extra careful when you decide on the best advice to follow.
Do not collect every trick available.
Do not use every trick all at once.
If you seriously want to save your marriage, check out my 3 tips.
The tips are no-drama and no-stress to you.
At the same time you get to keep your personal self respect.
It is time to get good advice! Divorce is becoming so common that practically everyone has an opinion on ways you can save your marriage.
Some of the advices given can be pretty good and practical.
However, those well meant advices can also backfire on you.
Your best bet is to talk to a marriage counselor.
They have vast experiences in mending broken marriages and relationships.
You must stay attractive! Your spouse married you because you were attractive.
Did your appearance or habits change over the years of marriage? If it did, it is time to think back and find out what exactly your spouse found you attractive.
Then play up that trait a little.
Make sure he knows and get him involved.
Let him see that you are trying.
You need to take time out! At this moment in time, you will be in a state of emotional distress.
There is a high chance you will act based on your emotions.
During this period, you must take some time out to calm down.
When you talk to a spouse who wants a divorce, you must be emotionally stable.
Otherwise you risk scaring your spouse for good.
Take this cooling period to think things over.
Identify reasons for the marriage failure.
As women, we are guilty for being overly emotional, a little demanding and a nag.
This is especially true if you have been married over a longer period.
Be honest and take a good look at yourself.
How much have you changed since you first got married? You must take steps to show your spouse that you will change.
You need to rein in your emotions.
Be the person you were when you first got married.
Trying to save your marriage without losing your personal self respect is important.
You must stay calm.
You need to let your spouse know you are trying to save the marriage.
Your spouse needs to realize that you are still the same person he once loved.
If you follow a proven plan from a professional marriage counselor, there is a high chance you can stop your divorce and save your marriage.