Great Option for a Sure and Safe Carpenter Ant Control
There is no easy way to get rid of carpenter ants. Most importantly, the only way to get rid of carpenter ants is to find and destroy their nest. Outside, look for carpenter ants tree damage and activity in rotting wood, stumps or wooden structures. Inside, nests and carpenter ant damage are more difficult to find.
Often carpenter ants are discovered during the inspection prior to the sale of a house. Usually the result is the application of pesticides both inside and around the outside of the home. A chemical pesticide is always the last resort, but chemical controls are often required for carpenter ants.
Choosing the least-toxic chemicals that will do the job is not always easy, particularly since applicators may claim that they use only "safe" or "EPA approved" chemicals.
If the nest cannot be located, bait food with a combination of 1% boric acid and 10% sugar water. Worker ants eat the baited food and share it with the rest of the colony through regurgitation. This is a slow process and could take weeks to months. Do not put insecticide directly on the food because it will kill the worker ants before they return and share the food with the colony.
If the nest is behind a wall, the boric acid can be sprayed through the electrical outlet into the wall void. Ants travel along electrical wires and will be exposed to the boric acid. Caution: Use care when using this method to avoid electrical shock.
One of the home remedies that may be sure-fire is mixing something carpenter ants love with something that will knock them dead.
To make a homemade bait, do the following:
Gather some honey and boric acid.
Put a dash of honey on a small plate.
Mix honey with a hint of boric acid, for a bittersweet delight.
Carpenter ants will be attracted to the honey, because of their love for sweet foods, and then will sip up the boric acid, which will cause them to cease and desist.
Be careful with this method, though. Be sure to keep this material away from children and pets. It can be harmful to their health if breathed in deeply or swallowed.
Additionally, you should eliminate standing water and high-moisture conditions within the household. Carpenter ants crave moisture and keep coming back for more.
One more quick fix may be to wash everything around in peppermint soap. Ants are repelled by this smell, and they will flee when faced with this rather refreshing scent.
Try mixing lemon juice and jojoba oil. You could also try lemon juice and witch hazel or eucalyptus and lemon eucalyptus.
Spread or spray these combinations at entry points and make your house smell sweet. These deterrents work to steer ants away from your home, because these scents repel them.
Another recipe is 40% water, 40% rubbing alcohol, and 20% dish soap is two parts crafty and one part deadly.
With this approach, you will see the ants die on contact right in front of your eyes. This one can also aid in eradicating the chemical trail left behind by ants.
For more useful insights, check out our main page here:
Auckland ant control
Often carpenter ants are discovered during the inspection prior to the sale of a house. Usually the result is the application of pesticides both inside and around the outside of the home. A chemical pesticide is always the last resort, but chemical controls are often required for carpenter ants.
Choosing the least-toxic chemicals that will do the job is not always easy, particularly since applicators may claim that they use only "safe" or "EPA approved" chemicals.
If the nest cannot be located, bait food with a combination of 1% boric acid and 10% sugar water. Worker ants eat the baited food and share it with the rest of the colony through regurgitation. This is a slow process and could take weeks to months. Do not put insecticide directly on the food because it will kill the worker ants before they return and share the food with the colony.
If the nest is behind a wall, the boric acid can be sprayed through the electrical outlet into the wall void. Ants travel along electrical wires and will be exposed to the boric acid. Caution: Use care when using this method to avoid electrical shock.
One of the home remedies that may be sure-fire is mixing something carpenter ants love with something that will knock them dead.
To make a homemade bait, do the following:
Gather some honey and boric acid.
Put a dash of honey on a small plate.
Mix honey with a hint of boric acid, for a bittersweet delight.
Carpenter ants will be attracted to the honey, because of their love for sweet foods, and then will sip up the boric acid, which will cause them to cease and desist.
Be careful with this method, though. Be sure to keep this material away from children and pets. It can be harmful to their health if breathed in deeply or swallowed.
Additionally, you should eliminate standing water and high-moisture conditions within the household. Carpenter ants crave moisture and keep coming back for more.
One more quick fix may be to wash everything around in peppermint soap. Ants are repelled by this smell, and they will flee when faced with this rather refreshing scent.
Try mixing lemon juice and jojoba oil. You could also try lemon juice and witch hazel or eucalyptus and lemon eucalyptus.
Spread or spray these combinations at entry points and make your house smell sweet. These deterrents work to steer ants away from your home, because these scents repel them.
Another recipe is 40% water, 40% rubbing alcohol, and 20% dish soap is two parts crafty and one part deadly.
With this approach, you will see the ants die on contact right in front of your eyes. This one can also aid in eradicating the chemical trail left behind by ants.
For more useful insights, check out our main page here:
Auckland ant control