The Rise and Fall of Tyranny - Part 1 - The Fertile Soil Used to Grow a Tyrant
Due to the fact tyrants like to redefine the terms to their own advantage, we need to put forth some standard definitions to reveal what a tyrant and tyranny is in real life.
The following dictionary definitions of a tyrant and his tyrannical ways would be in order for this purpose.
A tyrant is (1.
) "An absolute ruler, a sovereign unrestrained by law or constitution; a usurper of sovereignty.
" (2.
) "Specif.
: a A monarchy, or other ruler, who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally; a despot.
b A cruel master; an oppressor.
" Tyranny is (1,) "The government or authority of a tyrant; the office, tenure, or system of administration, of an absolute ruler, called a tyrant.
" (2.
) "Hence, arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; despotism.
" (3.
) "A tyrannical act.
" (4.
) "Severity; rigor.
" To find the fertile soil for a tyrant to exercise his/her tyrannical acts on good, law-abiding citizens, we need to go to the Bible, God's absolute truth.
Psalm 2:1-3 in the literal translation says, "Why have the nations raged (extreme vehemence of emotion or suffering, mastering the will; or anger accompanied with raving; overmastering wrath; a fit of fury.
) and the peoples are meditating (intently thinking) on vanity (empty pride in respect of one's person, attainments, possessions, etc.
, esp.
with an excessive desire for the notice, approval, or praise of others)? The kings of the earth set themselves; yea (yes), the rulers have plotted together against Jehovah (God) and His anointed (the Lord Jesus Christ), saying, We will break their bonds in two, and throw off their cords from us.
" We cannot live in a vacuum.
If we are not following the absolute laws of God and the principles laid down in our national documents, we are leaving ourselves wide open for tyrants to fill that vacuum.
When we took the Bible and prayer to the true and living God out of our schools and national life under the guise of "separation of church and state," we allowed the door to be open to tyrannical rule.
This we have allowed for decades.
The fever of tyranny has been rising as a result of our total disregard for our Creator-Redeemer God.
This has opened us up to a loss of many of our national liberties, to a run-away judiciary, to open, unprotected borders, to abortions on demand, to reprobates taking over our schools and to a governmental system on all levels totally disregarding the immutable laws that have made us a great nation.
It looks like the Bible had it right after all.
It warned us that if the people meditate on vanity rather than on their obligations to God and others they would allow tyrants to cut us loose from God and all the good, righteous, holy paths God was leading us into for our own well being.
Part 2 is called, "The Traits and Tactics of Tyranny.
" Part 3 is called, "The Fall of Tyranny.
The following dictionary definitions of a tyrant and his tyrannical ways would be in order for this purpose.
A tyrant is (1.
) "An absolute ruler, a sovereign unrestrained by law or constitution; a usurper of sovereignty.
" (2.
) "Specif.
: a A monarchy, or other ruler, who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally; a despot.
b A cruel master; an oppressor.
" Tyranny is (1,) "The government or authority of a tyrant; the office, tenure, or system of administration, of an absolute ruler, called a tyrant.
" (2.
) "Hence, arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; despotism.
" (3.
) "A tyrannical act.
" (4.
) "Severity; rigor.
" To find the fertile soil for a tyrant to exercise his/her tyrannical acts on good, law-abiding citizens, we need to go to the Bible, God's absolute truth.
Psalm 2:1-3 in the literal translation says, "Why have the nations raged (extreme vehemence of emotion or suffering, mastering the will; or anger accompanied with raving; overmastering wrath; a fit of fury.
) and the peoples are meditating (intently thinking) on vanity (empty pride in respect of one's person, attainments, possessions, etc.
, esp.
with an excessive desire for the notice, approval, or praise of others)? The kings of the earth set themselves; yea (yes), the rulers have plotted together against Jehovah (God) and His anointed (the Lord Jesus Christ), saying, We will break their bonds in two, and throw off their cords from us.
" We cannot live in a vacuum.
If we are not following the absolute laws of God and the principles laid down in our national documents, we are leaving ourselves wide open for tyrants to fill that vacuum.
When we took the Bible and prayer to the true and living God out of our schools and national life under the guise of "separation of church and state," we allowed the door to be open to tyrannical rule.
This we have allowed for decades.
The fever of tyranny has been rising as a result of our total disregard for our Creator-Redeemer God.
This has opened us up to a loss of many of our national liberties, to a run-away judiciary, to open, unprotected borders, to abortions on demand, to reprobates taking over our schools and to a governmental system on all levels totally disregarding the immutable laws that have made us a great nation.
It looks like the Bible had it right after all.
It warned us that if the people meditate on vanity rather than on their obligations to God and others they would allow tyrants to cut us loose from God and all the good, righteous, holy paths God was leading us into for our own well being.
Part 2 is called, "The Traits and Tactics of Tyranny.
" Part 3 is called, "The Fall of Tyranny.