Skincare Reviews - 3 Top Tips to Do Your Own
The war is on! As consumers are becoming more and more educated about the dangers of toxins and chemicals in cosmetics, some of the companies who have been incriminated are fighting back.
Here are some top tips so that you can do your own skincare reviews.
In this way, you will get to know what is true and what is false.
1st Top Tip Look out for so called penetration enhancers as these can be damaging for your health.
The fact that they penetrate the skin even more than normal ingredients is bad news, especially if they are linked to cancer.
They actually change the structure of the skin so that the chemicals can get into your bloodstream more easily.
One of these ingredients is propylene glycol.
It is in such a wide range of products now that it would take the whole article to list them! The main ones are facial cleansers, moisturizers, shampoos, bubble baths and baby lotion.
2nd Top Tip.
The next time you do your own skincare reviews, read the label and look out for petrolatum or paraffin wax or liquid paraffin.
These are basically all petrol derived products and there is no need to repeat the old joke about putting petrol on your face.
Seriously though, these ingredients are actually banned in the EU.
Why? Simply because they contain impurities all linked to cancer.
They are considered as a potential breast cancer carcinogen.
Yet they are still used in thousands of products worldwide and they range from lip balm,moisturizers and even sunscreen.
To add insult to injury, they actually clog up your pores and can be a skin irritant and actually cause dryness.
3rd Top Tip.
There is a foaming agent used in a wide range of cosmetics now to give you that lovely bubbly,fresh feeling.
This is called sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) and it is found in shampoos, conditioners and toothpastes.
The only problem with this one is that it is classed as a severe skin irritant.
Not surprising really in that it is so strong that it is used to clean garage floors.
When they tested this on animals, they found that it led to damage of vision, affected the central nervous system and in some cases led to death.
These details have been released by the Safety Information Resources Institute (S.
How do we know what are really safe ingredients in the best skincare brand and which are not linked in any way to human disease or ill health? The most important thing to do when doing your own skincare reviews is to find out from the company's website or label on their products, whether they are using harmful parabens, preservatives or other chemicals.
Finally, in conducting your own skincare reviews, you should look for guarantees.
These should concern the quality and manufacturing processes and should also be confident enough to offer a full six month guarantee.
Why not click through to see an example of what could be called the best skincare brand?
Here are some top tips so that you can do your own skincare reviews.
In this way, you will get to know what is true and what is false.
1st Top Tip Look out for so called penetration enhancers as these can be damaging for your health.
The fact that they penetrate the skin even more than normal ingredients is bad news, especially if they are linked to cancer.
They actually change the structure of the skin so that the chemicals can get into your bloodstream more easily.
One of these ingredients is propylene glycol.
It is in such a wide range of products now that it would take the whole article to list them! The main ones are facial cleansers, moisturizers, shampoos, bubble baths and baby lotion.
2nd Top Tip.
The next time you do your own skincare reviews, read the label and look out for petrolatum or paraffin wax or liquid paraffin.
These are basically all petrol derived products and there is no need to repeat the old joke about putting petrol on your face.
Seriously though, these ingredients are actually banned in the EU.
Why? Simply because they contain impurities all linked to cancer.
They are considered as a potential breast cancer carcinogen.
Yet they are still used in thousands of products worldwide and they range from lip balm,moisturizers and even sunscreen.
To add insult to injury, they actually clog up your pores and can be a skin irritant and actually cause dryness.
3rd Top Tip.
There is a foaming agent used in a wide range of cosmetics now to give you that lovely bubbly,fresh feeling.
This is called sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) and it is found in shampoos, conditioners and toothpastes.
The only problem with this one is that it is classed as a severe skin irritant.
Not surprising really in that it is so strong that it is used to clean garage floors.
When they tested this on animals, they found that it led to damage of vision, affected the central nervous system and in some cases led to death.
These details have been released by the Safety Information Resources Institute (S.
How do we know what are really safe ingredients in the best skincare brand and which are not linked in any way to human disease or ill health? The most important thing to do when doing your own skincare reviews is to find out from the company's website or label on their products, whether they are using harmful parabens, preservatives or other chemicals.
Finally, in conducting your own skincare reviews, you should look for guarantees.
These should concern the quality and manufacturing processes and should also be confident enough to offer a full six month guarantee.
Why not click through to see an example of what could be called the best skincare brand?