Help With Open Office Base
- Create tables in Base by choosing "Tables" under the "Database" pane of the main database window. Click "Create Table in Design View" to create a table from a blank table template. Click "Use Wizard to Create" to create a table with the table creation wizard. Any tables created with the wizard can be edited in design view at any point.
When creating tables in design view, specify a field name and type. The description is optional. Field names are the names of each column in your table. Field type is the data type which will be input into the table for each column. For instance, if your first column is "Date of Birth," the field type would be "Date." Each field can be further customized using the options at the bottom of the table screen. You must create tables in order to create other components. - Queries are used to view and manipulate data in your tables. Click "Queries" from the main database window. Queries can be created in either wizard mode or design view. Both options provide you with a list of existing tables and queries. Choose fields from the tables or queries you wish to include in your query. In wizard mode, you will be taken through the process of adding fields, choosing sorting options, adding conditions, grouping and creating a name for the query. In design view, this must be done within the template. Use the fields below the gray area of the query window to add conditions, sorting and which fields are visible. Queries can add, delete, edit and search data. Always test any queries that may modify data in a test or backup database first.
- Forms are used to provide users with a graphical interface for using queries or creating reports. Click "Forms" on the main database window to create a new form. These too can be created in wizard mode or design view. In wizard mode, choose fields from tables and queries, backgrounds, choose how data is entered, create subforms and arrange controls on the form.
In design view, click any controls on the left side of the screen you wish to add. Use your mouse to draw them on the form. Click the "Add Field" button at the bottom of the screen to view a field list from tables and queries. Right click any control or object to change its properties, such as control source, size, shape and Visual Basic code. - Reports are static representations of data from your tables and queries. Queries are typically created to run the report. Reports are created in the exact same way as forms, except reports cannot be used for data entry or editing. Create buttons to send reports to printers, applications or to save them to a specific location.