Monkey Tree Removal
- 1). Cut the lowest branches of the monkey tree with a handsaw or large tree-pruning shears to expose the trunk and provide adequate room to work under the tree's canopy.
- 2). Examine the canopy of the tree for one-sided growth. The tree will tilt towards the side with the most weight.
- 3). Clear the area where the tree will land after it has been cut. Remove rocks, debris and obstacles such as lawn furniture. Plan a walking path to escape the falling tree once the final cut has been made.
- 4). Cut into the tree with an axe or chainsaw, forming a wedge shape. Cut a 45-degree angle opening in the direction you want the tree to fall. Cut one third of the way into the trunk of the tree.
- 5). Cut a thin slice into the opposing side of the tree from the wedge made in Step 4. Slice into the tree just above the wedge, moving two-thirds of the way into the tree with the blade. The tree will tilt towards the wedge. Push on the trunk of the tree until it begins to fall.
- 6). Cut the limbs away from the trunk, beginning at the top of the tree and working down. Cut the branch flush with the trunk. Continue until all the branches have been removed. Cut the trunk into smaller sections to make transport easier.
- 7). Spray an herbicide containing glyphosate on the tree stump to prevent suckers from growing and to kill the stump. Remove the stump with a stump grinder or allow it to rot naturally.