Bridal Wedding Supplies
- A successful wedding requires planning and organization. Reduce the amount of wedding day stress by preparing a bridal kit in advance of the big day. A stash of wedding day bridal supplies allows you to relax, knowing that you are prepared for the inevitable but manageable mishaps on the day of the wedding.
- A torn gown, ripped stockings and a broken heel are all wedding day possibilities. Stock up on supplies that mend tears and breaks. A needle and thread fix fabric tears. Clear nail polish prevents a ripped stocking from ripping further. Super glue secures a broken heel back into place. Super glue also temporarily mends broken clasps on jewelry. recommends using safety pins to fix torn bustles.
- In the event of lost, forgotten or broken jewelry, bring replacement jewelry. Have backup wedding bands on hand in case the best man loses track of the actual wedding rings. Use rings you already own, or purchase inexpensive but aesthetically pleasing wedding bands. For your backup bridal jewelry, select jewelry you love that complements your gown and looks good in photographs.
- Impeccable hygiene on your wedding day is just as important as wearing a beautiful gown. According to Living with Anxiety, sweating is a common symptom of anxiety. A wedding day is full of anxiety. Prevent armpit wetness by packing antiperspirant in your bag of wedding day supplies. To ensure pleasant-smelling breath, recommends avoiding alcohol, cigarettes and foods with sulfur compounds like onions. In addition, place a toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss and breath mints in your wedding day supply kit. Include tampons or sanitary napkins as well, to prevent a potentially embarrassing stain on your wedding gown.
- Curls fall from complicated up-dos. Elaborate eye makeup can smear during emotional hugs. Pack bobby pins to tame wayward strands of hair. Pack cotton swabs and makeup remover to fix makeup mishaps. Also include a comb, brush and desired pomades and moisturizers.
Mending Supplies
Backup Jewelry
Hygiene Products
Hair and Makeup Fixes