Are You Enjoying Your Marriage Or Enduring it?
It is your right to have a hitch free marriage relationship.
That is the way GOD, the Great Match-Maker made it.
Although this might not be accurately achieved because of the infiltration of SIN (Selfishness In Nature), an awkward means of deviating from the standard, which wrecks man and left him destitute.
Yet, we give thanks to God for His great concern to reform man and replace the lost glory.
With focus and efforts to pursue peace and happiness, much can be done to keep your marriage relationship fresh and new everyday.
It is your responsibility as a husband or wife to prevent your relationship sour.
Do you endure or your Marriage? It is certain that complaints will crop up.
The way out is to fight the cause and the seed of disunity instead of fighting yourselves.
In most cases, there is little or nothing that that usually cause troubles between couples.
Thoughts can be a major causative element in disguise.
Learn to have a good positive thought toward your spouse.
According to the scriptures, "For as he thinks in his heart, so he is.
" Good thinking, good product.
Good thoughts towards your spouse give you good person you desire.
Whenever the unexpected happened, learn to resolve such issue amicably.
There is power in communication and when harnessed aright it can sustain a lasting marriage relationship.
Your best friend and the worst enemy is your heart.
When you permit a good thought in your heart towards your spouse, it can do more than a doctor to alleviate your pains.
You will enjoy your partner more and be more satisfied as well as he/she when you let him/her know what you like or want or even the way you want to be treated.
Map out strategies to use for smooth union discuss together and lay principles to build your union.
Expecting your partner to figure it out all alone, is like creating a hurdle between you and your happiness in marriage.
"Happiness," according to Dr.
Norman Vincent, the writer of Positive Thinking, said, "is not a matter of good fortune or worldly possessions.
It's a mental attitude.
It comes from appreciating what we have, instead of being miserable about what we don't have.
It's so simple yet so hard for the human mind to comprehend.
" Make your sexual relationship normal and don't snub each other nor take offense at that without adequate reasons.
Your spouse may get hurt and if not arrested earlier it can generate into unnoticed malady.
Know your spouse taste and be there always, as he/she needs you.
Some men keep late at night after work (exhausting all energy and time) only to retire home and sleep not giving time for the woman to have a moment with them.
When you injured your spouse' feeling it sticks to his/her memory and this persistently accumulate with negative reactions and feelings towards you.
It later breeds resentment and divorce when it could no longer be endured.
Learn to appreciate your husband or wife.
Your are to achieve together and bear together.
Wishing you a lasting marriage.
That is the way GOD, the Great Match-Maker made it.
Although this might not be accurately achieved because of the infiltration of SIN (Selfishness In Nature), an awkward means of deviating from the standard, which wrecks man and left him destitute.
Yet, we give thanks to God for His great concern to reform man and replace the lost glory.
With focus and efforts to pursue peace and happiness, much can be done to keep your marriage relationship fresh and new everyday.
It is your responsibility as a husband or wife to prevent your relationship sour.
Do you endure or your Marriage? It is certain that complaints will crop up.
The way out is to fight the cause and the seed of disunity instead of fighting yourselves.
In most cases, there is little or nothing that that usually cause troubles between couples.
Thoughts can be a major causative element in disguise.
Learn to have a good positive thought toward your spouse.
According to the scriptures, "For as he thinks in his heart, so he is.
" Good thinking, good product.
Good thoughts towards your spouse give you good person you desire.
Whenever the unexpected happened, learn to resolve such issue amicably.
There is power in communication and when harnessed aright it can sustain a lasting marriage relationship.
Your best friend and the worst enemy is your heart.
When you permit a good thought in your heart towards your spouse, it can do more than a doctor to alleviate your pains.
You will enjoy your partner more and be more satisfied as well as he/she when you let him/her know what you like or want or even the way you want to be treated.
Map out strategies to use for smooth union discuss together and lay principles to build your union.
Expecting your partner to figure it out all alone, is like creating a hurdle between you and your happiness in marriage.
"Happiness," according to Dr.
Norman Vincent, the writer of Positive Thinking, said, "is not a matter of good fortune or worldly possessions.
It's a mental attitude.
It comes from appreciating what we have, instead of being miserable about what we don't have.
It's so simple yet so hard for the human mind to comprehend.
" Make your sexual relationship normal and don't snub each other nor take offense at that without adequate reasons.
Your spouse may get hurt and if not arrested earlier it can generate into unnoticed malady.
Know your spouse taste and be there always, as he/she needs you.
Some men keep late at night after work (exhausting all energy and time) only to retire home and sleep not giving time for the woman to have a moment with them.
When you injured your spouse' feeling it sticks to his/her memory and this persistently accumulate with negative reactions and feelings towards you.
It later breeds resentment and divorce when it could no longer be endured.
Learn to appreciate your husband or wife.
Your are to achieve together and bear together.
Wishing you a lasting marriage.