How Can I Win Back My Lost Love?

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"The Love of My Life" has broken up with me! "  The thought churns endlessly in your mind.
When you're smarting from a breakup, you generally have a couple of choices: 1.
Figure out how to get over your lost love, or 2.
Figure out how to win back lost love, or 3.
Least desirable, pine away for your lost love for a long, long time.
This decision should involve a lot of thought and soul searching.
Honestly, and as objectively as possible, you need to  evaluate the relationship you had with your ex before taking any action.
  Was it a healthy, happy relationship before whatever misunderstanding or mistake became the final straw?  Was the mistake really unforgivable?  If your ex was mentally or physically abusive, had harmful addictions that they were not willing to work on, or if you two never had a point in the relationship where you weren't at odds with each other, the logical conclusion is probably that the breakup wasn't such a bad idea afterall.
If trying to win back your lost love is what you decide to do, the first step is generally to apologize.
Now you may think that you've already apologized, but if it was in the heat of the breakup, your apology will not hold a lot of water with your ex.
  How does your ex know that the apology was sincere and not just thrown out there to stave off the breakup?  Apologize again if you want to get your ex back, but you have to really mean it this time.
  This time your ex will be more likely to believe you.
  The relationship is already over, so the apology is not likely to be coming from a fear of breakup.
If it is your ex who did something wrong, rather than trying to get an apology from them, take the initiative and forgive them.
  Really forgive them, that is, such that this mistake they made does not come up in conversation again.
If your ex cheated, this is not going to be easy by any stretch.
It might even require you to attend counseling.
There is lot's of literature out there on how to forgive.
  Even if you don't end up regaining your lost love, not forgiving your ex will only hurt you in the long run.
If you do reconcile and win back your lost love, without forgiveness, these transgressions will only keep rising to the surface and add fuel to any new relationship issues that arise.
If your ultimate decision is to try and win back your lost love, show them the person they fell in love with in the first place.
Were you angry, jealous and hurt when they first became interested in you?  Showing these sentiments in your demeanor will not help them remember what it is they loved about you in the first place.
  It will be hard, but try to be the best person you can be, the person you were when you and your ex first got together.
  You may win back lost love when you remind them of why they loved you to begin with.
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