How to Draw a Car Easily
- 1). Turn a piece of sketch paper on its side. Draw the top half of a circle. Starting at the bottom right side of the half circle, draw a horizontal line for the bottom of the car's body. Make another half circle at the end of the horizontal line. This gives you the basis for your wheels and the car's body.
- 2). Draw two full circles in the half circles for your car's tires. Draw two smaller circles inside the tire circles for the wheels. Make an X inside the smaller circles, then draw a horizontal line through each X. These are the rims.
- 3). Draw a small, horizontal line from each side of the tires and curve the line up to create the front and back of the car. The curve of the line can be dramatic or stubby, depending upon the shape you want to give your car. Determine which end of your sketch will be the front of your car, then continue the curve to create the bumper. Draw a horizontal line for the hood, then angle the line up for the windshield. Continue with a short, horizontal line for the roof, then angle the line at a downward slope to create the back windshield.
- 4). Continue with a horizontal line from the back windshield for the trunk. Curve the line around to meet the initial horizontal line of the back bumper. This is the outline of your car from the side. Erase any of the lines you want to redraw until you have your car shaped the way you want it.
- 5). Draw straight, vertical lines on the center of the side of the car to make the door. Add a circle at the front for a headlight and a circle at the rear for a taillight. Draw a small, slightly curved line where you want the door handle to be.