Out With The Murkiness: Sure Fire Ways To Clear Our That Murky, Cloudy Pool Water
In with summer and out with winter! You are expecting to swim your socks off but you just couldn't get into that disgusting and cloudy pool water.
"What happened?" you may ask yourself.
Cloudy water can be frustrating, especially if your kids are bouncing around telling you that they desperately want to swim.
You try to smile at them and say "Sorry honey.
We just can't do that -- not yet.
" There are a lot of factors behind murky pool water.
Let us classify them into certain levels.
LEVEL 1: MODERATE We will classify the moderate level as your water being a "little" murky and cloudy.
At this state, your pool water may still be clear to some extent.
POSSIBLE CAUSES: • Not cleaning the pool daily.
Cleaning daily will include using a skimmer and fish net to scoop out debris and dirt particles, brushing the pool walls, surfaces and flooring, vacuuming the pool floor and of course lightly cleaning your equipment.
• Not cleaning your pool weekly.
Weekly cleaning may include thoroughly cleaning your equipment, pool toys, life buoys, chlorine and other pool floaters and pool accessories like floats, slides, railings and ladders.
LEVEL 2: MEDIUM We will classify the medium level as your water being medially murky and cloudy.
This may also include either floating debris on your pool water or heavy debris and dirt particles perched on your pool floor.
POSSIBLE CAUSES: • Poor chemical balancing.
A lot of people may under estimate the importance of balancing the chemical components that a pool may need.
The chemicals you will need are the following: 1.
pH increaser 2.
pH decreaser 3.
Alkalinity increaser 4.
Water shock 5.
Stain and Metal Control 6.
Algaecide 7.
Chlorine or Bromine tablets or powder 8.
Water Clarifier 9.
Scale, metal and stain control Note: 1.
These chemicals should be applied on a weekly basis.
Use water tests strips to help you identify your pool's current chemical state.
LEVEL 3: HIGH We will classify the high level as your water being super murky, cloudy and now musky.
This level usually comes with heavy debris floating on your water or suspended on your pool floor.
Your pool water may also come across as having a foul and disgusting smell.
POSSIBLE CAUSES: • Over exposure and then introduction of debris like leaves, acorns, rocks, sand, fruit seeds and etc.
(zero pool maintenance) • Heavy pool usage.
This may be after you have your pool party or after you have people over.
• Failing to thoroughly clean your pool on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
• Failure to maintain a healthy chemical balance.
Warning! This level can make your pool toxic.
Take appropriate caution.
Note: You can asses this level by draining your pool water and acid washing your pool with quality Muriatic acid.
Draining your pool may take about 2-3 days so the whole process may take about 4-5 days.
Muriatic acid is a strong substance that can completely and successfully clean and sanitize your entire pool.
"What happened?" you may ask yourself.
Cloudy water can be frustrating, especially if your kids are bouncing around telling you that they desperately want to swim.
You try to smile at them and say "Sorry honey.
We just can't do that -- not yet.
" There are a lot of factors behind murky pool water.
Let us classify them into certain levels.
LEVEL 1: MODERATE We will classify the moderate level as your water being a "little" murky and cloudy.
At this state, your pool water may still be clear to some extent.
POSSIBLE CAUSES: • Not cleaning the pool daily.
Cleaning daily will include using a skimmer and fish net to scoop out debris and dirt particles, brushing the pool walls, surfaces and flooring, vacuuming the pool floor and of course lightly cleaning your equipment.
• Not cleaning your pool weekly.
Weekly cleaning may include thoroughly cleaning your equipment, pool toys, life buoys, chlorine and other pool floaters and pool accessories like floats, slides, railings and ladders.
LEVEL 2: MEDIUM We will classify the medium level as your water being medially murky and cloudy.
This may also include either floating debris on your pool water or heavy debris and dirt particles perched on your pool floor.
POSSIBLE CAUSES: • Poor chemical balancing.
A lot of people may under estimate the importance of balancing the chemical components that a pool may need.
The chemicals you will need are the following: 1.
pH increaser 2.
pH decreaser 3.
Alkalinity increaser 4.
Water shock 5.
Stain and Metal Control 6.
Algaecide 7.
Chlorine or Bromine tablets or powder 8.
Water Clarifier 9.
Scale, metal and stain control Note: 1.
These chemicals should be applied on a weekly basis.
Use water tests strips to help you identify your pool's current chemical state.
LEVEL 3: HIGH We will classify the high level as your water being super murky, cloudy and now musky.
This level usually comes with heavy debris floating on your water or suspended on your pool floor.
Your pool water may also come across as having a foul and disgusting smell.
POSSIBLE CAUSES: • Over exposure and then introduction of debris like leaves, acorns, rocks, sand, fruit seeds and etc.
(zero pool maintenance) • Heavy pool usage.
This may be after you have your pool party or after you have people over.
• Failing to thoroughly clean your pool on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
• Failure to maintain a healthy chemical balance.
Warning! This level can make your pool toxic.
Take appropriate caution.
Note: You can asses this level by draining your pool water and acid washing your pool with quality Muriatic acid.
Draining your pool may take about 2-3 days so the whole process may take about 4-5 days.
Muriatic acid is a strong substance that can completely and successfully clean and sanitize your entire pool.