Extensive DVT Following Prolonged Gaming
Extensive DVT Following Prolonged Gaming
A 31-year-old Caucasian man, an exterior painter, presented with left leg pain and swelling. He was on holiday and spent each day sitting on his bed with his legs outstretched playing PlayStation® games. He would play for seven to eight hours continuously without getting off the bed. On the second day, he developed left leg pain with associated calf swelling and erythema, but, despite increasing discomfort, continued to play video games until presenting two days later. There was no history of trauma to his left leg, recent surgery, or previous venous thrombosis. There was no family history of venous thrombosis. On examination there was marked swelling of the leg with dilated superficial veins. Doppler ultrasound of his left leg confirmed extensive deep venous thrombosis involving the origin of the left common iliac vein down to level of the distal left femoral vein and proximal long saphenous vein, with features indicating complete occlusion. He was commenced on anticoagulation with subcutaneous enoxaparin, and subsequently underwent thrombolysis with heparin and urokinase. A thrombophilia screen was negative.
Case Presentation
A 31-year-old Caucasian man, an exterior painter, presented with left leg pain and swelling. He was on holiday and spent each day sitting on his bed with his legs outstretched playing PlayStation® games. He would play for seven to eight hours continuously without getting off the bed. On the second day, he developed left leg pain with associated calf swelling and erythema, but, despite increasing discomfort, continued to play video games until presenting two days later. There was no history of trauma to his left leg, recent surgery, or previous venous thrombosis. There was no family history of venous thrombosis. On examination there was marked swelling of the leg with dilated superficial veins. Doppler ultrasound of his left leg confirmed extensive deep venous thrombosis involving the origin of the left common iliac vein down to level of the distal left femoral vein and proximal long saphenous vein, with features indicating complete occlusion. He was commenced on anticoagulation with subcutaneous enoxaparin, and subsequently underwent thrombolysis with heparin and urokinase. A thrombophilia screen was negative.