How to Kill Visible Termites
- 1). Identify the places where the termites are concentrating in the afternoon, using the high-power flash light to look under crevices. Termites often swarm in dark, damp places.
- 2). Remove the termites, using the vacuum cleaner. Use the hose to reach areas that are underneath furniture and deep in crevices.
- 3). Try again at night. Turn off any light in the house, including television screens and monitors. Turn on a high-power flashlight near the infested area. Turn the flashlight on its side and place it on the ground, facing the infestation. Any remaining termite will fly toward the light.
- 4). Repeat step 2 with the vacuum cleaner to clean the infested areas.
- 5). Check the area for termite damage. If damage has occurred, call a professional to assess if there is further termite infestation underneath the surface.
- 6). Place the bait traps around the area. Check regularly for the first few hours to determine if there are any more termites.
- 7). Empty the vacuum cleaner into a paper bag outside. If the vacuum has a removable canister, take the vacuum outside, about 15 feet away from any openings to the house. Empty the container by sealing the edges of the canister with the paper bag with your hands to make sure none of the termites can escape. Shake thoroughly to make sure the termites fall into the bag. Quickly remove the container and seal the paper bag by holding it over the opening.
- 8). Place the termite-filled paper bag in another paper bag and reseal it by folding the top and rolling it all of the way down to lock in the termites. Place the paper bag into a plastic grocery bag.
- 9). Knot the plastic bag and deposit in a trash can outside.