How to Save a Dying Relationship Starting Tonight
Maybe you have been taken completely by surprise.
Either way, the sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, and the sadness and anxiety you may be feeling as the result of a dying relationship is a truly horrible thing to have to go through.
However, there are ways to save a dying relationship, and the ideas are neither new nor complicated.
Figure out what is causing the relationship to whither.
Is it simply from boredom? Easily remedied by trying new things.
Step outside of the comfort zone and see what's out there.
Boredom breeds fighting, nagging, and a host of other troubles.
Are you or your partner having any chemical dependency issues? Or any kind of addictive issues? Gambling, porn, shopping, work? Maybe professional help is needed.
If so, don't delay another day.
Do you and your partner show respect for one another?You know how it feels when you have been disrespected.
Showing your partner respect can go a long way toward healing a dying relationship.
And conversely, let your partner know if you feel disrespected, but do so calmly.
Always be working on your communication skills.
Especially listening skills.
You can always talk, but an effective communicator really knows how to listen.
Many times you can save a dying relationship.
It takes patience, and a willingness to see all sides of the issue, and a willingness to change if necessary.
In the end, a good relationship can make your life bliss.