Use Foot Pads Detox for Many Health Benefits
The foot detox pads use the same systems of body's self-healing mechanism that is used by acupuncture and acupressure therapists. The foot pads detox treatment involves wearing the pads on the arch of the foot for getting rid of body toxins. The active herbal ingredients in the pads draw out, so to say, the toxins from the body and benefit the health of the individual using it in many ways. It improves the immune system, helps in improving the quality of sleep and also the blood circulation.
You may not find it easy to believe that by simply placing herbal pads on your foot, one can remove the body toxins. This doubt can be easily resolved by performing a simple experiment. Cut a garlic clove in half and run it on the sole of your foot for around 45 seconds. Within a few minutes you would find the taste of garlic in your mouth. This simple experiment would tell you that folding your legs into foot patches laden with beneficial herbs can help to bring about good results for your health. This foot patches detox therapy can turn out to be a very convenient way to get relief from the symptoms of many ailments and even curing them completely.
After the toxins enter our bodies, they tend to accumulate in the tissues. When the foot detox pads are placed on the arch of the foot, the herbs placed in them interact with the skin and internal body mechanisms and emit infrared energy. These energies directly enhance the cell functioning and not only that, they stimulate the kidney 1 meridian spot on the foot's sole. This furthers the process of detoxification as the kidney 1 meridian is used mostly by acupuncture and acupressure therapists for healing and tension relief.
So, the basic idea behind placing the detox pads on the foot is to not only allow for beneficial herbs to enter the body and remove toxins but also to stimulate the acupressure point on the sole of the foot. The wood vinegar extract place in the foot pads detox therapy results in what is known as the minus ion effect in Asian countries. This is basically the reversal of osmotic balance between the skin and herbs allowing for the passage of toxins from the body to the foot detox pad. This process quickens the natural excretion process of your body leading to several health benefits.
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You may not find it easy to believe that by simply placing herbal pads on your foot, one can remove the body toxins. This doubt can be easily resolved by performing a simple experiment. Cut a garlic clove in half and run it on the sole of your foot for around 45 seconds. Within a few minutes you would find the taste of garlic in your mouth. This simple experiment would tell you that folding your legs into foot patches laden with beneficial herbs can help to bring about good results for your health. This foot patches detox therapy can turn out to be a very convenient way to get relief from the symptoms of many ailments and even curing them completely.
After the toxins enter our bodies, they tend to accumulate in the tissues. When the foot detox pads are placed on the arch of the foot, the herbs placed in them interact with the skin and internal body mechanisms and emit infrared energy. These energies directly enhance the cell functioning and not only that, they stimulate the kidney 1 meridian spot on the foot's sole. This furthers the process of detoxification as the kidney 1 meridian is used mostly by acupuncture and acupressure therapists for healing and tension relief.
So, the basic idea behind placing the detox pads on the foot is to not only allow for beneficial herbs to enter the body and remove toxins but also to stimulate the acupressure point on the sole of the foot. The wood vinegar extract place in the foot pads detox therapy results in what is known as the minus ion effect in Asian countries. This is basically the reversal of osmotic balance between the skin and herbs allowing for the passage of toxins from the body to the foot detox pad. This process quickens the natural excretion process of your body leading to several health benefits.
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