How to Make a Flowchart for a Census Count
- 1). Draw a box to represent the overall population in question. For example, if the census count looks at the entire United States, label "United States" in a box on the top of your chart. Include in the box the total population number found in the census count. The top box of your flowchart will be the the broadest category of the census.
- 2). Create your first set of subdivisions and draw connecting lines from the original box. The initial subdivisions you can use for a flowchart of a census count include ethnicity, gender and age. As an example, if you want your first subdivision to be gender, draw two boxes and label them "Male" and "Female." Then draw lines connecting them to the overall population box. Keep in mind that the first subdivision should be relatively broad and it should not have too many categories.
- 3). Continue to subdivide your information. Work your way down the chart by creating new boxes based on the categories you want to represent. For example, each gender can then subdivide into age, and then each age bracket can subdivide into work or education experience. Draw lines that connect boxes from different subdivisions if you can cross-reference any of your data.
- 4). Plug in the appropriate numbers for each box. Thus, if one of your subdivisions after gender is "Hispanics," you would enter the number of Hispanic women on the connecting line between the "Hispanics" box and the "Female" box.