Why Jealousy Relationships Are Bad
Jealousy relationships will make a partner feel like you have no trust in them.
It's easy to be jealous though and it may even feel like a natural reaction.
But you should try and remove jealousy from any relationship.
Interestingly enough, not all people mind a jealous partner.
It seems odd that a person would want to make their partner angry and upset; but it happens often in jealousy relationships because some people feel that if they can make a person jealous than the other person cares about them more.
That of course isn't reality.
Throwing in a comment like, "You know she (or he) winked at me today" will often make the other person feel angry and jealous.
But is that really what you want your partner to feel? Have you made such comments in your relationship? Are you even aware that saying such things within jealousy relationships is what you do to get a pay-off reaction? In most cases it seems like anger is the last thing you would want your partner to feel.
Happiness and love is what you should feel and what you should want your partner to feel.
But for some people jealousy may be considered a form of love.
It's not love, it's jealousy -- and usually it's negative feelings behind the attention, not love.
We've all heard people say things like "If I can't have her (or him), no one else can.
" That is the comment of a jealous person.
Sounds like a threat though doesn't it? What will a person do in order to prevent their partner from moving on to another relationship? You've heard it before, and most likely will again.
"Person murdered by jealous husband, wife, or lover.
" Not exactly the result you or anyone else wants, is it? Why would any person want to invoke a possible murderous rage in another? Sadly it's a way some people feel they are loved.
If people would just look at jealousy in the right light much of the pain caused within jealousy relationships could be, and in fact would be, removed.
You want someone to be able to sweep aside the thoughts of jealousy.
To not react to jealousy evoking comments and actions.
This would mean that they are very secure in the relationship you have.
Well, that or they just don't care.
So, if you know another person cares then you can be sure they are secure within the relationship if they don't react to behaviors that are trying to make them jealous.
The best course of action is to stop trying to make your partner jealous, move on from jealousy relationships and feelings that are nothing but negative to a positive healthy loving relationship.
Rid yourself of all forms of jealousy within your relationships and you both will be much happier.