Career Success - Part 1
We are all encouraged to have successful careers, but what does that mean? Is a successful career one which brings money and fame? Or is success being acclaimed for a great discovery, such as a medical breakthrough or a labour-saving device? Or is success achieved by being the best at something, whether it's acting, making movies, teaching, speaking another language or baking a cake? Most of us are conditioned to believe that success is made up of a specific set of results.
When it comes to careers, these tend to relate to money, power and prestige or achievement.
And many of us don't get these results and so are considered unsuccessful.
However, there is no rule book which says that the type of success defined by the majority of people is the only one.
Many other people would define success as being happy, yet the conventional view of success certainly does not guarantee happiness.
So you should ask yourself what success means to you.
, as your own definition of success is the one that counts.
If you were to write down what is most important to you in life, I would guess that for most people, happiness comes close to the top of the list.
Another fact about success, is that if you see it in terms of money or being the best, there is no guarantee it will last.
As soon as someone achieves the "impossible", it becomes possible and more people will do the same and more.
So suddenly you are no longer the best.
While there is nothing wrong with striving for excellence or making money, it's important to see these results as just part of the picture.
Don't allow your career choices to be determined by other people's definitions of success.
When it comes to careers, these tend to relate to money, power and prestige or achievement.
And many of us don't get these results and so are considered unsuccessful.
However, there is no rule book which says that the type of success defined by the majority of people is the only one.
Many other people would define success as being happy, yet the conventional view of success certainly does not guarantee happiness.
So you should ask yourself what success means to you.
, as your own definition of success is the one that counts.
If you were to write down what is most important to you in life, I would guess that for most people, happiness comes close to the top of the list.
Another fact about success, is that if you see it in terms of money or being the best, there is no guarantee it will last.
As soon as someone achieves the "impossible", it becomes possible and more people will do the same and more.
So suddenly you are no longer the best.
While there is nothing wrong with striving for excellence or making money, it's important to see these results as just part of the picture.
Don't allow your career choices to be determined by other people's definitions of success.