Marriage for Dummies: 3 Beliefs That Could Ruin Your Relationship Fast

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What we believe about ourselves, our relationships, and what goes on around us can influence our quality of life, as well as our present and future. That is especially true for marriages. Those who consider their spouse the most important person in their life will go out of their way to make sure that relationship remains intact, while those who give it little thought, will likely not work very hard at it. This article will reveal three particular beliefs that could absolutely ruin your marriage.

The first belief that could ruin your relationship: doing nothing is acceptable.

What I mean is that you're apathetic; you fail to take any action or have a vested interest in your marriage. As they say, you get what you put into your relationship. If you choose to treat it as if its not worth much, by not spending time with your wife or ignoring your husband, the relationship will slowly dissolve. Focusing on your needs and what you want exclusively and blowing off your spouse's needs will go far in alienating your spouse.

The second belief that could ruin your relationship: doing whatever feels good is acceptable.

You know the saying, "if it feels good, do it." This is probably the surest recipe for disaster in your marriage. If you carry this belief out to its natural conclusion, feeling good with anyone other than your spouse -- when it comes to physical or even emotional intimacy -- is not good. "Feeling good" may even entail spending tons of time with the guys at local sporting events, on the driving range, or shopping with your girlfriends to the detriment of your wife or husband.

The third belief that could ruin your relationship: flirting is acceptable.

Your neglect by your husband may be partially assuaged by the appreciative looks of your boss at work, or kind words for a job well done. Encouraging words or even that innocent touch at the water cooler may boost your esteem or bolster your injured ego when you feel taken for granted or under-appreciated by your wife. The mistake here, is even considering that flirting is ok, much less taking it to the next step. Ignore this warning at all costs. If you do, it and the two other beliefs could ruin your relationship.
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