The Effect of Public Sentiment in Personal Injury Cases
Negative Stereotypes
The public often regards attorneys as greedy troublemakers who make problems when there are none, a stereotype that has been perpetuated everywhere from the news to the television shows. This is perhaps best evidenced by the derogatory term "ambulance chaser." In actuality, personal injury lawyers in New Jersey fulfill a vital role for society. They protect the rights of injury victims and they hold people accountable for their negligent actions. If you've been injured, an injury lawyer will support you and help you get compensation for your medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering.
The McDonald's Coffee Case
However, personal injury litigation in general has also been suffering a public relations problem over the past few decades. Many people still remember the personal injury case against McDonalds, in which an elderly woman sued because her spilled coffee burned her. The media misrepresented this case to the public, leading many to believe that this lawsuit, as well as lawsuits like it, was frivolous and that the plaintiff did not deserve the money. However, the media portrayal ignored several key facts of the case. For example, the burns were extremely severe, and McDonald's already had several reports of injuries caused by the temperature of its coffee. Furthermore, the plaintiff was not trying to open the coffee in her car, as many had speculated. McDonald's also refused to consider a much smaller settlement offer and instead opted for litigation.
Stereotypes Harm Legitimate Claimants
The misconceptions surrounding personal injury litigation can and does harm legitimate claimants and also harms the ability for personal injury lawyers in New Jersey to protect an injury victim's rights. In a recent case where the plaintiff managed to prove clear liability, a juror stated that he found against the plaintiff in order to "do something about the insurance crisis in this country."
Due to these factors, it is more important than ever that you have an experienced personal injury lawyers in New Jersey who can get you the money you deserve for your injuries. Call (902)248-4404 today for a free initial consultation with Dan Matrafajlo, an experienced and dedicated injury attorney.