Mild As A Child To Get Into Heaven
You need to become like a child to get into Heaven. But if you cause a little child trusting in Jesus to stumble, your punishment will be like the suffering of many people in the last days of the End-times.
The disciples of Jesus came to Him with the question, "Who then is greater in the Kingdom of Heaven?"
And Jesus called a child and stood it in the midst of them. He said, "If you should not turn and become as children, in no way should you enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever then humbles himself as this child is the greater in the Kingdom of Heaven.
"And whoever receives one such child in my name receives me. And whoever causes to stumble one of these little ones trusting in me, it would be better for him if the millstone of a donkey were hung around his neck and he were sunk in the open sea.
"Woe to the world because of the obstacles. It is necessary for the obstacles to come. But woe to that man through whom the obstacle comes. And if your hand or foot causes you to stumble, cut them off and throw them from you! For it is better for you to enter into life lame or crippled than having two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire.
"And if your eye stumbles you, take it out and cast it from you! For it is better for you to enter into life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the Gehenna of fire."
Jesus finished by saying the angels of His little children always behold the face of His Father in Heaven, and so you should not despise them. You should become like a child or at least receive a child, and do not despise a child.
You want to become a son of God through your faith in Jesus Christ. And that is good. But you also need to become a son of man when you believe in Jesus. You will become a son of man when you become a child for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus said you become childlike when you humble yourself as a child. To humble yourself means to make yourself lowly and submissive, so you need to come into lowly submission to other people, as a child to the parents he needs.
When you become childlike by humbling yourself, you become greater in the Kingdom of Heaven. You will be greater than those who did not become like children and did not become lowly and humble.
And if you do not become like a child you can still receive a son of man in the Name of Jesus. You can receive a son of man who has humbled himself and made himself lowly for the sake of the Name of Jesus Christ. When you receive that son of man, you receive Jesus also. This is how the sealed son of man appears to you--in the Name of Jesus in lowly submission. And when you receive the sealed son of man you receive Jesus too.
You should not despise the son of man. Perhaps you think it is easy enough not to despise, but you need to be sure you don't despise him for his message. Climate change is causing the End of the world to come. Global warming is causing the sea levels to rise and many more floods to happen inland. Jesus predicted it and the sealed son of man speaks of it. You need to receive the sealed son of man rather than despise him.
This is why Jesus gave the example it would be "better" for you to be sunk in the sea if you cause a child trusting in Jesus to stumble. The Word Jesus used means "fitting," "useful," "meet," or "advantageous."
It would be to your advantage to experience the flooding of the End-times for yourself. It would be useful for you, to show you the End of the world is coming. Then you would be willing to repent of causing a child to stumble. And then you would be willing to receive the sealed son of man, and to become like a child yourself.
When you see the End of the world coming it might be just what you need to become a child so you can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. First you need to receive the sealed son of man, then you need to become a child yourself, not only a child of God but of people too.
The disciples of Jesus came to Him with the question, "Who then is greater in the Kingdom of Heaven?"
And Jesus called a child and stood it in the midst of them. He said, "If you should not turn and become as children, in no way should you enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever then humbles himself as this child is the greater in the Kingdom of Heaven.
"And whoever receives one such child in my name receives me. And whoever causes to stumble one of these little ones trusting in me, it would be better for him if the millstone of a donkey were hung around his neck and he were sunk in the open sea.
"Woe to the world because of the obstacles. It is necessary for the obstacles to come. But woe to that man through whom the obstacle comes. And if your hand or foot causes you to stumble, cut them off and throw them from you! For it is better for you to enter into life lame or crippled than having two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire.
"And if your eye stumbles you, take it out and cast it from you! For it is better for you to enter into life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the Gehenna of fire."
Jesus finished by saying the angels of His little children always behold the face of His Father in Heaven, and so you should not despise them. You should become like a child or at least receive a child, and do not despise a child.
You want to become a son of God through your faith in Jesus Christ. And that is good. But you also need to become a son of man when you believe in Jesus. You will become a son of man when you become a child for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus said you become childlike when you humble yourself as a child. To humble yourself means to make yourself lowly and submissive, so you need to come into lowly submission to other people, as a child to the parents he needs.
When you become childlike by humbling yourself, you become greater in the Kingdom of Heaven. You will be greater than those who did not become like children and did not become lowly and humble.
And if you do not become like a child you can still receive a son of man in the Name of Jesus. You can receive a son of man who has humbled himself and made himself lowly for the sake of the Name of Jesus Christ. When you receive that son of man, you receive Jesus also. This is how the sealed son of man appears to you--in the Name of Jesus in lowly submission. And when you receive the sealed son of man you receive Jesus too.
You should not despise the son of man. Perhaps you think it is easy enough not to despise, but you need to be sure you don't despise him for his message. Climate change is causing the End of the world to come. Global warming is causing the sea levels to rise and many more floods to happen inland. Jesus predicted it and the sealed son of man speaks of it. You need to receive the sealed son of man rather than despise him.
This is why Jesus gave the example it would be "better" for you to be sunk in the sea if you cause a child trusting in Jesus to stumble. The Word Jesus used means "fitting," "useful," "meet," or "advantageous."
It would be to your advantage to experience the flooding of the End-times for yourself. It would be useful for you, to show you the End of the world is coming. Then you would be willing to repent of causing a child to stumble. And then you would be willing to receive the sealed son of man, and to become like a child yourself.
When you see the End of the world coming it might be just what you need to become a child so you can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. First you need to receive the sealed son of man, then you need to become a child yourself, not only a child of God but of people too.