How to Use DirectX in VB
- 1). Right-click the project name in the navigation panel, and click "Add Reference." Add project references to Microsoft.DirectX.dll and Microsoft.DirectX.DirectDraw.dll.
- 2). Copy and paste the following into the top of your Main.vb file:
Imports Microsoft.DirectX
Imports Microsoft.DirectX.DirectDraw - 3). At the top of your Controller object, paste the following variable declarations:
Private display As Device
Private front As Surface = Nothing
Private back As Surface = Nothing
Private title As Surface = Nothing
Private text As Surface = Nothing
Private clip As Clipper = Nothing
Private titlescreen As String = Application.StartupPath + "\title.bmp" - 4). Paste the following code into your class below the constructor:
Private Sub InitDirectDraw()
' Used to describe a Surface
Dim description As New SurfaceDescription()
' Init the Device
display = New Device()
#If DEBUG Then
display.SetCooperativeLevel(Me, CooperativeLevelFlags.Normal)
' Set the Cooperative Level and parent,
'Setted to Full Screen Exclusive to the form)
display.SetCooperativeLevel(Me, CooperativeLevelFlags.FullscreenExclusive)
' Set the resolution and color depth
'used in full screen(640x480, 16 bit color)
display.SetDisplayMode(640, 480, 16, 0, False)
#End If
' Define the attributes for the front Surface
description.SurfaceCaps.PrimarySurface = True
#If DEBUG Then
front = New Surface(description, display)
description.SurfaceCaps.Flip = True
description.SurfaceCaps.Complex = True
' Set the Back Buffer count
description.BackBufferCount = 1
' Create the Surface with specifed description and device)
front = New Surface(description, display)
#End If
#If DEBUG Then
description.Width = front.SurfaceDescription.Width
description.Height = front.SurfaceDescription.Height
description.SurfaceCaps.OffScreenPlain = True
back = New Surface(description, display)
' A Caps is a set of attributes used by most of DirectX components
Dim caps As New SurfaceCaps()
' Yes, we are using a back buffer
caps.BackBuffer = True
' Associate the front buffer to back buffer with specified caps
back = front.GetAttachedSurface(caps)
#End If
' Create the Clipper
clip = New Clipper(display)
''' Set the region to this form
clip.Window = Me
' Set the clipper for the front Surface
front.Clipper = clip
' Reset the description
' Create the title screen
title = New Surface(titlescreen, description, display)
' Set the height and width of the text.
description.Width = 600
description.Height = 16
' OffScreenPlain means that this Surface
'is not a front, back, alpha Surface.
description.SurfaceCaps.OffScreenPlain = True
' Create the text Surface
text = New Surface(description, display)
' Set the backgroup color
' Set the fore color of the text
text.ForeColor = Color.White
' Draw the Text to the Surface to coords (0,0)
text.DrawText(0, 0, "Managned DirectX Tutorial 1 - Press Enter or Escape to exit", True)
End Sub
Private Sub Draw()
' If the front isn't create, ignore this function
If front Is Nothing Then
End If
' If the form is minimized, ignore this function
If Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized Then
End If
' Draw the title to the back buffer using source copy blit
back.DrawFast(0, 0, title, DrawFastFlags.Wait)
' Draw the text also to the back buffer using source copy blit
back.DrawFast(10, 10, text, DrawFastFlags.Wait)
#If DEBUG Then
' Draw all this to the front
front.Draw(back, DrawFlags.Wait)
' Doing a flip to transfer back buffer to the front, faster
#End If
front.Flip(back, FlipFlags.Wait)
Catch generatedExceptionName As WasStillDrawingException
Catch generatedExceptionName As SurfaceLostException
' If we lost the surfaces, restore the surfaces
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub RestoreSurfaces()
' Used to describe a Surface
Dim description As New SurfaceDescription()
' Restore al the surface associed with the device
' Redraw the text
text.DrawText(0, 0, "Managned DirectX Tutorial 1 - Press Enter or Escape to exit", True)
' For the title screen, we need to
'dispose it first and then re-create it
title = Nothing
title = New Surface(titlescreen, description, display)
End Sub - 5). Copy and paste the following code into your class constructor:
While Created
End While - 6). Press "F5" to run your application and see the title.bmp being displayed on the screen.