Hip Extensor Exercises
- Squats, deadlifts and leg presses all condition the quad area of your leg, mostly the front of the thigh. While the hamstrings and hips are used a little in these exercises, they do not target those muscle groups specifically.
Leg curls are the most commonly performed hamstring exercises because they are easy to do and build up your hamstrings quickly. This exercise does not activate the hip extensors, however, leaving those butt muscles out of the routine.
Here is a hip extensor exercise you can perform without weights or special equipment: Stand about 1 foot from a chair or table. Bend from the hips at a 45-degree angle toward your support. Lift your leg straight behind you without bending your knee or arching your back. Slowly lower your foot to the floor. Alternate legs until you have done about 15 repetitions. You can add ankle weights as your glutes become stronger. - If you work out using barbells and weights, Romanian deadlifts (sometimes called "Keystone deadlifts") are an exercise for the hip extensor muscles. This exercise must be performed properly to avoid injuring your lower back. You will be lifting more weight than your lower back can handle, so it is important to stress the glutes and hips rather than the lower back.
To perform these Romanian deadlifts, start with a set of dumbbells or a barbell with the appropriate amount of weight for your fitness level. This means you should just be able to finish 1 set of 12 to 15 reps with your chosen amount of weight, so you may need to adjust accordingly.
Start with your feet and arms shoulder width apart. Remember to keep your knees slightly bent, and maintain a slight curvature in your lower back. While keeping your head up and looking forward, bend at the waist and lower your weights toward the floor. You should feel a slight pull in your hamstrings; this tells you when you have reached the end of the movement. Using your core muscles, glutes, hips and hamstrings, slowly raise your entire body to reach the starting point once again. - It is important to keep flexibility in your hip extensor muscles, including the hamstrings and the glutes. Do proper hamstring stretches either standing up or sitting on the floor with your legs straight. Reach as far as you can toward your toes without straining.
To stretch your glute muscles properly, lunge forward with one leg and drop your other knee to the floor. Straighten the hip of your rear leg by pushing your hips forward. Hold the stretch for a few seconds and slowly release. Repeat with the other leg.
Which Exercises to Choose
The Romanian Deadlift
Stretching is Important