What Makes the Top Skin Cream So Effective?
It is important to understand what makes product effective, because it could save you a lot of time, money, and possibly heartache.
Heartache may seem like an odd description of what it is that you could possibly experience from using the wrong cosmetics products.
Once I explain to you exactly what it is that I mean by using that term, you will see that it is a very apt description.
There are things in cosmetics products that can possibly cause you, or someone that you love, great physical harm.
The top skin cream will contain nothing except all natural ingredients, because these are the safest and most effective compounds that you can use in a skin care product.
These natural compounds are expensive to use as ingredients in cosmetics however, which leads the majority of the industry looking to low cost agents to replace them.
This spells trouble for you.
Despite reported annual profits in the billions, the major cosmetics corporations have become famous for using the lowest costing ingredients that they can possibly find.
Anywhere between 70% and 90% of the average skin care products that these industry monoliths create is nothing other than chemical agents.
These agents have been proven to be toxic to humans in clinical studies.
What the major manufacturers claim as their top skin cream may contain little more than organ toxins, neurotoxins, endocrine system disruptors, and cancer causing agents.
These are absorbed into the bloodstream after they have passed through your skin, and are then taken on a whirlwind tour of the soft tissue in your body where they often take up residence.
The heartache that I spoke of is seeing a loved one suffer, or perhaps yourself, due to the fact that you did not know enough about what it is that goes into most skin care products to make an informed decision before buying.
It should be the responsibility of the cosmetics companies to provide you with safe ingredients, but since they won't then it is up to you to educate yourself.
The top skin cream available will use plant based ingredients for healing your skin.
Natural compounds provide your skin with the nutrients that it needs in order to be healthy, and to repair itself.
The best of these products will provide you with the ingredients necessary in order to re-ignite the growth of your collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, all of which keep your skin looking young.
This top skin cream will contain Functional Keratin, and Phytessence Wakame, which are the anti aging ingredients of which I speak.
This protein combination, and sea kelp extract, will safely eliminate the lines and wrinkles on your skin without any risk of ill effects.
This is what all cosmetics should do.