How to Become an Oyster Diver
- 1). Learn to swim well. Divers must be top swimmers. If you know how to swim but are not that confident, consider taking swimming lessons.
- 2). Get in shape. Professional diving is a physically demanding job. If you want to be successful, you must be fit.
- 3). Attend diving school. Any type of scuba diving requires certification due to the safety hazards associated with diving. Oysters can be found underwater at 10 feet or more below the water's surface. The open water certification course, offered by numerous accredited diving schools, allows a diver to dive up to 60 feet while accompanied by a certified partner. Once certified, a diver can continue taking various specialization courses.
- 4). Search for a job. Even if planning to go out on your own, working for a company first will help you to gain much needed experience. If diving for pearl-bearing oysters, divers can expect to earn about $1,200 per day (as of July 2011). However, the amount of work is dependent upon season and weather. Being willing to travel will increase your job possibilities.