What"s Hidden in Your Teeth?
In the field of Anthropology, scientists attempt to uncover the secrets of our ancient human ancestors.
Some lived over 6 million years ago.
When attempting to unravel these answers, there is one site on the body that is of particular importance.
Obviously, comprehending factors like the skeleton's skull size and shape are essential.
However, there is another feature on human beings that is the key to revealing massive loads of information.
This feature can answer questions like: "What did they eat?" "What was the age of death?" "How many years ago did this human live?" All of these questions can be answered when studying and analyzing the teeth.
Human teeth are fascinating entities.
Unlike the teeth, other parts of the body begin to decompose in a mere number of hours after the time of death.
Therefore, determining factors like age and diet through other means is virtually impossible.
Now, let us imagine it is the year 3031.
Future anthropologists are digging all over the United States.
They are searching for humans who lived during year 2000 so they can better understand their culture.
Their findings are bound to differ significantly than what physical anthropologists are uncovering today.
Let's pretend a group of future anthropologists dig up the remains of 3 humans from year 2000.
If they were to ignore everything else, and concentrate exclusively on the teeth, they would probably be confused and fascinated simultaneously.
Not only would they be able to identify features like diet and age, they would uncover a whole world of cultural artifacts that are buried inside their mouths.
The world of dentistry is responsible for the evolution of teeth.
When the anthropologists study these 3 humans, their findings would be remarkable.
Pretend all 3 had braces during their lifetimes.
This would be a reasonable assumption, since about 65% of people in the United States have worn braces at some point.
I imagine the researchers would be impressed with the 3:3 ratios of straight teeth.
Let's say one of the humans wore veneers.
I predict this would be an extremely important finding, because I doubt porcelain shells will still be around in the year 3031.
This would be a feature exclusive to our generation.
Future anthropologists would find a whole world of culture within our teeth.
Cavities, crowns, teeth whitening, sealants, missing teeth, gum disease and more would all be indicators of our culture.
We have no way of knowing how anthropologists might analyze us, but it is certain they would make assumptions on the importance of appearance and upkeep of our teeth.
Start your evolutionary process, and keep your teeth looking beautiful.
You never know who will be judging you in the future.
For more information on dentistry and additional tooth enhancing features, visit http://www.
Some lived over 6 million years ago.
When attempting to unravel these answers, there is one site on the body that is of particular importance.
Obviously, comprehending factors like the skeleton's skull size and shape are essential.
However, there is another feature on human beings that is the key to revealing massive loads of information.
This feature can answer questions like: "What did they eat?" "What was the age of death?" "How many years ago did this human live?" All of these questions can be answered when studying and analyzing the teeth.
Human teeth are fascinating entities.
Unlike the teeth, other parts of the body begin to decompose in a mere number of hours after the time of death.
Therefore, determining factors like age and diet through other means is virtually impossible.
Now, let us imagine it is the year 3031.
Future anthropologists are digging all over the United States.
They are searching for humans who lived during year 2000 so they can better understand their culture.
Their findings are bound to differ significantly than what physical anthropologists are uncovering today.
Let's pretend a group of future anthropologists dig up the remains of 3 humans from year 2000.
If they were to ignore everything else, and concentrate exclusively on the teeth, they would probably be confused and fascinated simultaneously.
Not only would they be able to identify features like diet and age, they would uncover a whole world of cultural artifacts that are buried inside their mouths.
The world of dentistry is responsible for the evolution of teeth.
When the anthropologists study these 3 humans, their findings would be remarkable.
Pretend all 3 had braces during their lifetimes.
This would be a reasonable assumption, since about 65% of people in the United States have worn braces at some point.
I imagine the researchers would be impressed with the 3:3 ratios of straight teeth.
Let's say one of the humans wore veneers.
I predict this would be an extremely important finding, because I doubt porcelain shells will still be around in the year 3031.
This would be a feature exclusive to our generation.
Future anthropologists would find a whole world of culture within our teeth.
Cavities, crowns, teeth whitening, sealants, missing teeth, gum disease and more would all be indicators of our culture.
We have no way of knowing how anthropologists might analyze us, but it is certain they would make assumptions on the importance of appearance and upkeep of our teeth.
Start your evolutionary process, and keep your teeth looking beautiful.
You never know who will be judging you in the future.
For more information on dentistry and additional tooth enhancing features, visit http://www.