Abdominal Migraine Remedy - Tips Techniques To Get Relief From Abdominal Migraine
Children more commonly experience this type of migraine, but some adults have been known to suffer as well.
Because they mostly affect children, they can be difficult to diagnose and are often mistaken for a short-term flue or stomach bug.
If the problem has been diagnosed, there are several abdominal migraine remedy options available.
There can be a number of external factors that can cause them and an abdominal migraine remedy could be as simple as following an elimination process.
The external factors are thought to be allergies or sensitivities to foods or chemicals, dust allergies and probably most commonly, living in a stressful environment.
If drugs or medications are being used, they could also possibly be the cause and a change in medication or lifestyle will be the perfect abdominal migraine remedy.
Muscle strain or lethargy, a virus or infection and possibly a more serious ear or respiratory problem can lead to a search for an abdominal migraine remedy.
If the symptoms arise as the result of muscle pain, rest and fluids are likely to be the best treatment.
If an ear or respiratory problem could be to blame, a specialist should be the first point of call.
Is it an abdominal migraine?The problem with diagnosing abdominal migraines lies in the symptoms similarity to having a stomach flue or virus.
This type of migraine is not accompanied by a headache, but can present with blurred vision and sensitivity to light and sound.
They may experience some dizziness and possibly a loss of appetite.
The most prominent symptom is the pain in their mid-abdomen which lasts for anywhere from one to seventy two hours.
After the stomach pain comes a feeling of nausea followed by vomiting and fatigue.
Most abdominal migraine pains are relieved only after the sufferer has a sleep.
If these symptoms are seen more than a couple of times at regular intervals, it is recommended to visit the doctor for an accurate diagnosis.
The problem could be any number of things and worrying about finding an abdominal migraine remedy is only recommended if it has been medically diagnosed.
Can they be treated?There isn't any one abdominal migraine remedy that will work for everyone.
There are many avenues that can be followed to work out what could be causing the problem or what may be the best solution.
A doctor may want to prescribe medication:Herbalists, homeopaths and naturopaths can all prepare an abdominal migraine remedy specific to the individual.
Another avenue that is worth exploring is a visit to a chiropractor as many people believe the spine is where migraine problems originate.
For a child the best abdominal migraine remedy would probably be to eliminate any possible external factors that might be the cause before having them on medication.
Take any foods out of their diet that were introduced around the time of the migraines first presenting.
Then consider whether there are any other signs of possible sensitivities to dairy, wheat, gluten or preservatives.
It can be a good idea to at least try a short term gluten free diet as a start.
If for some reason their environment may be causing them stress, take every precaution to eliminate the culprits so they can feel calm, safe and relaxed.
Keep a diary for them of what they eat and do each day so any patterns can be seen that may be connected with the onset of abdominal migraines.