5 Ways to Build Lean Muscle Mass Without Using Steroids
A common myth is that the only way to build muscle and an impressive physique is through the use of steroids.
While steroids will help you gain muscle mass, many of the risks outweigh the rewards.
In this article I'm going to tell you how to build learn muscle mass without steroids.
Lift Progressively Heavier Weights This is such a simple concept yet many fail to do it.
Each workout session you should aim to lift a little bit more weight than the last workout.
If you're always using the same amount of weight, you're never growing.
You need to sweat if you want to grow bigger.
Focus On Compound Exercises Squats and dead-lifts will grow your body faster than any other exercises.
If speed in attaining muscle is what you want, you need to focus on the exercises that stimulate the most amount muscle.
Eat 1.
5 Grams Of Protein Per Pound Of Body Weight Protein is the building block of muscle so you need to make sure you're getting enough.
Red meat and eggs will your most anabolic (or muscle building) food sources.
If you're having trouble getting the required amount, make a few protein shakes in between meals.
Get Plenty Of Rest You need to rest in order to let your muscles properly recover.
Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.
Also, you can try taking naps or meditating during the day.
Surround Yourself With Similar Others And Visualize Yourself Growing One of the most forgotten elements in any training program is the mind.
And that's crazy because the mind controls the body.
You cannot get big if you are mentally weak.
So, surround yourself with others who have similar goals and they'll motivate you.
Also, visualizing yourself getting through workouts and as a huge, muscular guy is the best way to increase motivation in the gym.
While steroids will help you gain muscle mass, many of the risks outweigh the rewards.
In this article I'm going to tell you how to build learn muscle mass without steroids.
Lift Progressively Heavier Weights This is such a simple concept yet many fail to do it.
Each workout session you should aim to lift a little bit more weight than the last workout.
If you're always using the same amount of weight, you're never growing.
You need to sweat if you want to grow bigger.
Focus On Compound Exercises Squats and dead-lifts will grow your body faster than any other exercises.
If speed in attaining muscle is what you want, you need to focus on the exercises that stimulate the most amount muscle.
Eat 1.
5 Grams Of Protein Per Pound Of Body Weight Protein is the building block of muscle so you need to make sure you're getting enough.
Red meat and eggs will your most anabolic (or muscle building) food sources.
If you're having trouble getting the required amount, make a few protein shakes in between meals.
Get Plenty Of Rest You need to rest in order to let your muscles properly recover.
Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.
Also, you can try taking naps or meditating during the day.
Surround Yourself With Similar Others And Visualize Yourself Growing One of the most forgotten elements in any training program is the mind.
And that's crazy because the mind controls the body.
You cannot get big if you are mentally weak.
So, surround yourself with others who have similar goals and they'll motivate you.
Also, visualizing yourself getting through workouts and as a huge, muscular guy is the best way to increase motivation in the gym.