Crash - DWI Accidents Cripple Families
DWI, or driving under the influence, is a criminal offense that is punishable in every states from Maine to California and in most countries around the world. DWI laws might vary from one state or country to another but the bottom line is that drinking and driving is prohibited without exceptions. Of course, there are those who manage to get away with breaking this law. Those that do get themselves into accidents that injure people and damage property are prosecuted, pay steep fines, incure legal fees, get sent to jail for multiple offences and worst case scenarios, rob loved ones from their families. Most victims of serious accidents are those innocent bystanders that were caught by surprise that they were on the road at the same time as a drunk driver.
Being rear ended by a drunk driver can be very frustrating if you are the other driver. Exchanging credentials is usually all that happens in minor accidents and the corresponding insurance providers settle the repairs. If you are a victim of DWI accidents, do not do the following things without a legal representative to guide you.
€Give a recorded statement to insurance agencies.
€Discuss compensation or your drinking behavior with others involved.
€Assume that you can handle the legalities by yourself.
€Take the €final€ offer for compensation from the insurance.
€Settle the case without knowing the full extend of the injury.
€Believe that your insurance company will handle everything.
€Accept full responsibilities for your actions at the scene of the incident.
€Suppose that the officers are on your side.
Should you find your and your family a victim in such a situation, know that your entitled to a lawyer to help you seek damages and navigate the often muddy waters for the local judicial system. Rest assured that there are laws and people that will help you get your car accident claim in NYC processed properly for the injuries, damages, and all the inconveniences that it has caused you.
To help you with all of this, seek out a reputable motor accident lawyer in White Plains who is highly knowledgeable in handling car accidents in Mount Vernon or other local municipalities. Whether your damages and injuries was brought about by a drunk driver or a person under some form of drug influence, a vehicle accident lawyer in Westchester can be your conduit to filter the information and action items require by all the legal entities involved. When dealing with cases that involve accident injuries in New York City, the DWI cases get very sticky when 3rd party lawsuits are involved. This is when you will find your own personal lawyer most valued.