How Do I Get Back Together With an Ex-Boyfriend?
It's one of the most emotional things anyone can go through.
When things are on an upswing you can feel very high, and when you hit those lows, nothing can seem lower.
Is there anything you can do to patch things up quickly? Is there any way to get your ex boyfriend to take you back as soon as possible? You just want to will him back to you.
Luckily, you came here before doing something that may backfire, or worse, later on down the line.
There's always something you can do.
What you need to do is be able to separate the things that will give you the best chances of getting him back from the things that will stop you from accomplishing that or push him away for good.
Given the way you two have parted it's probably best to take a break from your ex boyfriend for a short while.
Both of you have just gone through quite an emotional ordeal and are still sensitive.
Either one of you could easily say the wrong thing in your current state and ignite another fight or rift that will be harder to fix than the one you're in now.
Try for a month minimum, it should clear your head and allow him to clear his.
You will need to apologize to your ex too.
Whatever the situation the purpose of the apology is to show you're on his side regardless.
This definitely qualifies as a rough time in the relationship so a sincere apology will go a long way to mend whatever difference you two may have.
This is an important one since it easily make or break the relationship.
It is also one of the most powerful ways to clear the air so you and your ex can talk it out and have a clean slate again.
This should get your mind going on what you should be thinking and where to point all that built up energy you have.
This will be an on-going process and something you work every day to maintain for quite a while, so make sure you understand what you do will ripple throughout the rest of your relationship when you get him back.
Most importantly, don't make the same mistakes again.