Treat Back Pain at Home - Natural Ways to Treat and Cure Chronic Back Pain
A patient must consider a combination of treatments to cure chronic back pain.
Try to relax and not become stressed out both mentally as well as physically.
A warm bath at home for few minutes or a massage will be helpful to get relieve from problem of chronic.
You can do simple exercises to stretch your muscles and keep them flexible.
If you are already been to doctor but can't seem to get any relief, then there are several natural ways to treat back pain at home: · Leaves of tulsi are very helpful to treat chronic back pain.
Boil these leaves in a cup of water and add salt after cooling it.
You should apply this mixture twice a day to get relief from the problem.
· You must eat proper diet at home and include tomato, carrot, cucumber, cabbage.
Lightly cooked vegetables such as spinach, cauliflower should also be included in your diet.
· Include garlic in your diet which is vey helpful to cure chronic back pain.
This is very effective home remedy for backside problem.
Vitamin C and calcium supplements are also very helpful if you take them regularly.
· Eliminate cigarettes from your diet as it is generally seen that smokers have this type of vulnerable problem.
· Exercising is very effective to treat back pain at home.
You can perform simple exercises at home to treat that would be effective and try to do in morning as it will give you an amazing result.
· Lie on your backside and raise one leg up to the maximum.
Lower your leg over your body to the bed and keep your shoulders flat against the mattress.
Do it same with the other leg and repeat it for 3-5 times.
· Take a deep breath and lean down toward the floor as far as you can go.
Put your hands on your legs and stretch your back.
This must be performed at least 2 times in a day to cure chronic back pain.
· Yoga is a great way to treat back pain at home and reduces muscle tension which is one of the biggest causes for it.
Do certain poses which keeps your body fit and healthy.