5 Fabulous Magnetic Marketing Tips!
There is a better way to do it.
Find it.
~ Thomas Edison Magnetic marketing is marketing that draws your most desirable, ideal clients right smack to you.
This happens with planning and strategic activities on your part to attract the client you most want to work with (the client who is smart enough to see how your skills, experience, and expertise will make all the difference for them).
This magnetic attraction happens almost naturally, without any aggressive behavior on anyone's part.
Through magnetic marketing, the client and the business person "find" each other, because one has an obvious need and the other an obvious solution that perfectly fits the need.
They are pulled towards each other like metal to a magnet! Of course you know that every prospect is not your client.
Some don't need what you offer.
Some need it but are not ready to make the commitment to have it.
Some can't afford it.
Some have convinced themselves they can't afford it even if they can.
Yet, there are many who DO want and NEED exactly what you can do for them, and who are ready to buy, but they are not hearing you speak to directly to them.
You are not "speaking their language".
To draw that client closer, have to present yourself every step of the way in a voice your ideal clients can readily hear.
If you present what they want in such a way that they "get it", then BINGO, you get the most desirable clients who value you, who commit, who want what you have to offer, and who gladly pay you for it.
These are the most lovely, wonderful, inspiring clients of all! Your job as a business owner is to attract the RIGHT prospects in a way where they are convinced they need you.
When they come to you at that point, closing the sale is easy because they KNOW working with you will change their lives and businesses for the better! Magnetic marketing starts with the RIGHT message and the RIGHT activities to get that RIGHT message before the eyes of those who are ready for it, or those who can be quickly convinced they should make the leap right now (again, because they see that it benefits them greatly).
In business, you need to have a client attraction center, where making profits is easy and business is exciting, profitable, and fun.
There are 12 crucial pieces to the puzzle-12 important steps and elements, each with related action steps and marketing activities that must be put in place one simple step at a time.
Once these gems are in place, gaining customers and clients becomes almost effortless.
You become fluent in attracting exceptional clients who are thrilled to work with you.
To cover each one of the 12 crucial marketing steps and their related activities would require many pages, perhaps even a book of content, but to get you started, here are 5 Great Magnetic Marketing Tips so you can begin attracting the best clients for YOU! 1.
You MUST tighten up the No-Trust barrier and bridge that gap! One of the most effective ways to do this is to offer prospects a piece of you for free.
I call this your AMAZING FREE OFFER! When a prospect hears about you, stumbles upon your website, or meets you for the first time, they really know nothing about you, and more importantly, they do not know what amazing things you can do for them.
There is little trust, and the No-Trust space from when they are first aware that you exist, to the point where they think about purchasing from you is HUGE.
You must close that gap and begin to build trust.
You must show them that you are someone who "gets" them.
This is where your AMAZING FREE OFFER does miracles.
It's like the connection (the connection hug) your prospect is looking for! 2.
EVERY instance of your marketing should have a call to action! That means when you write an article, send an email, draw people to your website, speak at an event, or talk to a prospect at a coffee shop, you should lead them to the IMPORTANT action you want them to take.
You MUST show them your value.
Sure, YOU know what you can do, and you know how absolutely incredible you are, and how much you can do for them, and what a tremendous difference you can make in their lives, but THEY don't! You know all the experience, education, awards, skills, and accolades you have that can be applied to change their lives, but they don't.
They need to KNOW that you are qualified to not only help them, but to greatly improve the quality of their lives and businesses.
You MUST make it ALL ABOUT THEM!You have to SPEAK THEIR LANGUAGE! It's all good and well that you are gifted, talented, the bomb (and you are), but that's all about you.
Most people are focused on themselves, not on you (or me).
How does your value BENEFIT THEM? As you put your value on display, as you redesign your bio, as you create marketing messages, articles, Facebook, Twitter & blog posts, as you design and ad, as you speak, teach, and educate, as you form your 15 or 30-second speech, as you jazz up your tagline, website, and business cards, WHAT are you saying to them? You have only seconds, and it better be saying what they desperately yearn to hear.
If it does, they'll quickly come running to you! 5.
Don't offer time for money or money for a single product.
If you do, you set yourself up as a commodity.
Most of us have called 3 reputable massage spa's or service companies to find the best pricing.
Then we go with the lowest price if most other factors SEEM relatively the same.
You get your cheese doodlys from the store that sells them the cheapest.
Create PACKAGES that make what you offer so appealing they just can't say "no"-packages that cannot be compared.
Take price for product or price for time out of the equation.
Sell the brilliant gamut of the prospect desperately needs-what solves their perceived problem and what they see will make their life more dreamy- all in one neat, pretty package! O.
I think this is a good start.
Put these ideas into practice in your business and you will be light years ahead of where you were before, and your competition won't be able to touch you!
Find it.
~ Thomas Edison Magnetic marketing is marketing that draws your most desirable, ideal clients right smack to you.
This happens with planning and strategic activities on your part to attract the client you most want to work with (the client who is smart enough to see how your skills, experience, and expertise will make all the difference for them).
This magnetic attraction happens almost naturally, without any aggressive behavior on anyone's part.
Through magnetic marketing, the client and the business person "find" each other, because one has an obvious need and the other an obvious solution that perfectly fits the need.
They are pulled towards each other like metal to a magnet! Of course you know that every prospect is not your client.
Some don't need what you offer.
Some need it but are not ready to make the commitment to have it.
Some can't afford it.
Some have convinced themselves they can't afford it even if they can.
Yet, there are many who DO want and NEED exactly what you can do for them, and who are ready to buy, but they are not hearing you speak to directly to them.
You are not "speaking their language".
To draw that client closer, have to present yourself every step of the way in a voice your ideal clients can readily hear.
If you present what they want in such a way that they "get it", then BINGO, you get the most desirable clients who value you, who commit, who want what you have to offer, and who gladly pay you for it.
These are the most lovely, wonderful, inspiring clients of all! Your job as a business owner is to attract the RIGHT prospects in a way where they are convinced they need you.
When they come to you at that point, closing the sale is easy because they KNOW working with you will change their lives and businesses for the better! Magnetic marketing starts with the RIGHT message and the RIGHT activities to get that RIGHT message before the eyes of those who are ready for it, or those who can be quickly convinced they should make the leap right now (again, because they see that it benefits them greatly).
In business, you need to have a client attraction center, where making profits is easy and business is exciting, profitable, and fun.
There are 12 crucial pieces to the puzzle-12 important steps and elements, each with related action steps and marketing activities that must be put in place one simple step at a time.
Once these gems are in place, gaining customers and clients becomes almost effortless.
You become fluent in attracting exceptional clients who are thrilled to work with you.
To cover each one of the 12 crucial marketing steps and their related activities would require many pages, perhaps even a book of content, but to get you started, here are 5 Great Magnetic Marketing Tips so you can begin attracting the best clients for YOU! 1.
You MUST tighten up the No-Trust barrier and bridge that gap! One of the most effective ways to do this is to offer prospects a piece of you for free.
I call this your AMAZING FREE OFFER! When a prospect hears about you, stumbles upon your website, or meets you for the first time, they really know nothing about you, and more importantly, they do not know what amazing things you can do for them.
There is little trust, and the No-Trust space from when they are first aware that you exist, to the point where they think about purchasing from you is HUGE.
You must close that gap and begin to build trust.
You must show them that you are someone who "gets" them.
This is where your AMAZING FREE OFFER does miracles.
It's like the connection (the connection hug) your prospect is looking for! 2.
EVERY instance of your marketing should have a call to action! That means when you write an article, send an email, draw people to your website, speak at an event, or talk to a prospect at a coffee shop, you should lead them to the IMPORTANT action you want them to take.
You MUST show them your value.
Sure, YOU know what you can do, and you know how absolutely incredible you are, and how much you can do for them, and what a tremendous difference you can make in their lives, but THEY don't! You know all the experience, education, awards, skills, and accolades you have that can be applied to change their lives, but they don't.
They need to KNOW that you are qualified to not only help them, but to greatly improve the quality of their lives and businesses.
You MUST make it ALL ABOUT THEM!You have to SPEAK THEIR LANGUAGE! It's all good and well that you are gifted, talented, the bomb (and you are), but that's all about you.
Most people are focused on themselves, not on you (or me).
How does your value BENEFIT THEM? As you put your value on display, as you redesign your bio, as you create marketing messages, articles, Facebook, Twitter & blog posts, as you design and ad, as you speak, teach, and educate, as you form your 15 or 30-second speech, as you jazz up your tagline, website, and business cards, WHAT are you saying to them? You have only seconds, and it better be saying what they desperately yearn to hear.
If it does, they'll quickly come running to you! 5.
Don't offer time for money or money for a single product.
If you do, you set yourself up as a commodity.
Most of us have called 3 reputable massage spa's or service companies to find the best pricing.
Then we go with the lowest price if most other factors SEEM relatively the same.
You get your cheese doodlys from the store that sells them the cheapest.
Create PACKAGES that make what you offer so appealing they just can't say "no"-packages that cannot be compared.
Take price for product or price for time out of the equation.
Sell the brilliant gamut of the prospect desperately needs-what solves their perceived problem and what they see will make their life more dreamy- all in one neat, pretty package! O.
I think this is a good start.
Put these ideas into practice in your business and you will be light years ahead of where you were before, and your competition won't be able to touch you!