How to Deal With a Broken Heart - And Maybe Get Your Ex Back!
When you have broken up with someone you love, it can be devastating.
It also feels like you've been hit with an incurable disease and a sledgehammer to the chest.
So how to deal with a broken heart? It doesn't matter how long you have been together either, if you are on the receiving end of a "goodbye", you probably won't know what to do at first, but whatever you do don't push your ex to reconcile.
Learn how to deal with a broken heart, and bide your time.
Push means exerting force or pressure and that is not the way to do it.
You have to play some games.
If it's just happened to you and you're reading this with tears streaming down your face, you are looking for advice, and that's a good thing, whether you are male or female.
Men, don't think that crying is a sign of weakness.
It isn't, it's a sign that you are human, and have emotions and that is a good thing.
You are not in a bar getting drunk and beating your chest like this all doesn't hurt - another point in your favor.
Let the dust settle before you do anything, and I mean for a few days or a couple of weeks.
Silence is golden as the saying goes and it's true.
If your ex has walked away thinking you will be begging him or her to come back, give them a taste of their own medicine.
They'll be calling you wondering what's up, before you know it! Do not push your ex to reconcile.
That means no pleading text messages, whiney emails, desperate phone calls at 4 a.
or hanging outside where they live waiting for them to come home.
You will damage any vestiges of a relationship that's left, and drive the other person even further away.
Pleading, whining, and threatening to commit suicide just makes you look weak and pitiful, and none of these traits is loveable.
A woman's tears can be an endearing thing in the right situation, but otherwise they make a woman look old, ugly and pitiful.
Men like strong women and vice versa, so be strong.
Cry behind closed doors, and give your best friend your phone to hold, in case you're tempted to send a hundred text messages in the form of incoherent love poems and pleadings.
You will cringe with embarrassment about it in six months time so don't do it! If you back someone into a corner, all the while pleading, crying and even threatening, the most common reaction is to lash out, either physically or verbally and that's not what you want.
People say the most awful things to each other in these situations - things that can rarely be forgiven.
How to move on from a broken heart then? Let the dust settle, and write yourself a list of what it was you liked about your ex and thena longer list of the things you didn't, and be realistic.
That list could reveal a lot of things you had forgotten about your relationship.
You will be surprised what you come up with, and you may actually find that you were totally incompatible anyway!You had lost most of your personality in that partnership with your ex; everything was a compromise, and deep down neither of you was truly happy! If you call your ex in a months' time and thank them for dumping you, you can probably bet they'll be asking you out on a date! So, knowing how to deal with a broken heart may get you back with the one you love
It also feels like you've been hit with an incurable disease and a sledgehammer to the chest.
So how to deal with a broken heart? It doesn't matter how long you have been together either, if you are on the receiving end of a "goodbye", you probably won't know what to do at first, but whatever you do don't push your ex to reconcile.
Learn how to deal with a broken heart, and bide your time.
Push means exerting force or pressure and that is not the way to do it.
You have to play some games.
If it's just happened to you and you're reading this with tears streaming down your face, you are looking for advice, and that's a good thing, whether you are male or female.
Men, don't think that crying is a sign of weakness.
It isn't, it's a sign that you are human, and have emotions and that is a good thing.
You are not in a bar getting drunk and beating your chest like this all doesn't hurt - another point in your favor.
Let the dust settle before you do anything, and I mean for a few days or a couple of weeks.
Silence is golden as the saying goes and it's true.
If your ex has walked away thinking you will be begging him or her to come back, give them a taste of their own medicine.
They'll be calling you wondering what's up, before you know it! Do not push your ex to reconcile.
That means no pleading text messages, whiney emails, desperate phone calls at 4 a.
or hanging outside where they live waiting for them to come home.
You will damage any vestiges of a relationship that's left, and drive the other person even further away.
Pleading, whining, and threatening to commit suicide just makes you look weak and pitiful, and none of these traits is loveable.
A woman's tears can be an endearing thing in the right situation, but otherwise they make a woman look old, ugly and pitiful.
Men like strong women and vice versa, so be strong.
Cry behind closed doors, and give your best friend your phone to hold, in case you're tempted to send a hundred text messages in the form of incoherent love poems and pleadings.
You will cringe with embarrassment about it in six months time so don't do it! If you back someone into a corner, all the while pleading, crying and even threatening, the most common reaction is to lash out, either physically or verbally and that's not what you want.
People say the most awful things to each other in these situations - things that can rarely be forgiven.
How to move on from a broken heart then? Let the dust settle, and write yourself a list of what it was you liked about your ex and thena longer list of the things you didn't, and be realistic.
That list could reveal a lot of things you had forgotten about your relationship.
You will be surprised what you come up with, and you may actually find that you were totally incompatible anyway!You had lost most of your personality in that partnership with your ex; everything was a compromise, and deep down neither of you was truly happy! If you call your ex in a months' time and thank them for dumping you, you can probably bet they'll be asking you out on a date! So, knowing how to deal with a broken heart may get you back with the one you love