Your Ex Boyfriend Keeps Coming Back - How to Get Him to Stay This Time
You two have had a tumultuous relationship but through it all you still love him and want very much to be with him.
He, on the other hand, can't seem to make up his mind.
One day he tells you he's crazy about you and the next he wants space.
It's an endless cycle that is wearing you down and breaking your heart.
If this is what is occurring in your relationship and you're tired of it, it's time to make a change.
If you are in love with a man who continually breaks up and makes up with you, you need to make him see that you're not going to stand for it anymore.
Each time your ex boyfriend keeps coming back he does so because you're allowing it.
He knows that you love him so much that you'll forgive every break up and take him back.
That shows him how much, or how little, you value yourself.
By welcoming him back with open arms and forgiving the break up, you're essentially telling him that you're fine with being treated like trash.
He is throwing you away and then coming back to pick you up again once he realizes he needs you.
You have to stop this from happening again.
The way to remedy this problem is simple.
First, consider whether this really is the man you want to be with.
Think about it long and hard.
It's a good idea to make a list of pros and cons that come with a relationship with him.
Be honest with yourself about whether this is the man that you believe you are meant to be with.
If you do decide you want a future with him, it's time to take some long overdue action.
You absolutely must take back control of the relationship.
Instead of sitting on the sidelines like a player on the bench waiting to be called into action, you have to become the coach.
You're going to show your boyfriend that you will no longer be treated like his disposable plaything.
The steps to accomplish this are simple.
The next time he tells you he wants to break up, agree with him.
Tell him that you think breaking up is a good idea and say it with a smile on your face.
Then follow through with your words.
Actually break up with the man by getting as far away from him as you can.
Just as you would during any other break up, stop talking to him and move on with your life.
When he does come back around saying he made a mistake and wants you back, tell him you're not sure that's what you want anymore.
Be firm and serious about this.
Your heart is on the line.
Once he sees that you may actually be the one breaking up with him for good, he'll start treating you the way you deserve and his endless cycle of breaking your heart will be a thing of the distant past.