Israel, Jerusalem, Jewish Redemption, 2009?
"Hundreds of thousands of Jews around the world will awake before dawn on Wednesday, climb to high vantage points and wait for the sun as they recite a prayer said only once every 28 years.
" So said Israel's Haaretz (April 5, 2009) of "the sun's return to its starting point at the moment the universe was created, after completing a 28-year cycle known as the 'machzor gadol,' or large cycle.
" "This year, however, the blessing has added significance, as it falls on Passover Eve, a sign some observant Jews interpret as a potential harbinger of a redemptive event of cosmic proportions.
" Why did the article say that? Because it commemorates the first "machzor gadol" falling on Passover when Israel was delivered from Egypt and the second "machzor gadol" when it was linked with Purim in the days of Queen Esther.
This is the third time that such an event every 28 years has coincided with the beginning of Passover.
This suggests huge significance, but what does it signify? In the biblical record of the first "machzor gadol," God took Israel from calamity in Egypt to a covenant relationship at Sinai.
There they became His kingdom and His bride, Exodus 19:5,6; Jeremiah 3:14.
But the bride (Israel) was unfaithful and went into apostasy.
God allowed them to be taken captive by the Assyrians, but they didn't return to the Promised Land.
God "scattered them among the heathen," Ezekiel 36:19.
Many settled Europe, intermarried with Christians and came to the New World seeking freedom.
Christians claim Jewish roots.
"If ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise.
" Galatians 3:29.
So in some sense, Christians may be considered spiritual Israel, and the time of deliverance from Egypt (needing an "exodus" from public school sex education for your child?) may be at hand.
How is this so? God asked Ezekiel to lie on his side for 390 days-a day for each of the 390 years Israel disobeyed, Ezekiel 4:5,6.
But God also said, If you don't learn your lesson, I will punish you seven times over, Leviticus 26:18,21,24,28.
7 x 390 years = 2730 years.
Israel's captivity began in 722 BC.
Subtract 722 from 2730 = 2008, but we recall there was no year "0" so it's 2009.
(Assyrian Captivity of Israel, Wikipedia found by Google).
The Bible says, "He that scattered Israel will gather him," Jeremiah 31:10.
As God took Israel out of calamity in Egypt, we should expect that a replay of this history may be impending.
"Brethren, I would not have you ignorant how that our fathers passed through the sea...
All those things happened unto them for examples [types, margin] and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
" 1Corinthians 10:1,11.
Passover was the time of deliverance from Egypt after they ate the Passover lamb.
1400 years later, a Jewish prophet proclaimed, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world," John 1:29.
Christians believe the Savior fulfilled the sacrificial system of the Jewish law and "and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
" Isaiah 53:6.
Known as a great teacher, he reflected concern for "the lost sheep of the house of Israel" that had been scattered, Matthew 15:24.
Was this on his mind when he used imagery from Egypt to foretell another cry at midnight in His wedding parable when another deliverance would be at hand, and another covenant made resulting in his Bride? Christ's clue at the end of his parable in which "the Bridegroom comes" (Matthew 25:6) points us to the law in Numbers 9:10,11 for Passover a month later as a provision for travel--"for the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling to a far country...
" Matthew 25:14.
And now comes the pope in this year of expectancy, and at the prophetic time of 2nd Passover, May 11 with a third clue by Christ pointing to expectancy for the pope at the very time that he is coming! Will he bring deliverance? Or will it be calamity first before the deliverance? When Titus sieged Jerusalem, Herod's Temple burned on the 10th day of the 5th Jewish month according to Josephus, the same date Solomon's Temple burned nearly 700 years earlier, Jeremiah 52:12,13.
This year the 10th day of the 5th month is August 2.
Calamity on that date may seem like a coincidence, but it would have biblical significance that begs further understanding.
" So said Israel's Haaretz (April 5, 2009) of "the sun's return to its starting point at the moment the universe was created, after completing a 28-year cycle known as the 'machzor gadol,' or large cycle.
" "This year, however, the blessing has added significance, as it falls on Passover Eve, a sign some observant Jews interpret as a potential harbinger of a redemptive event of cosmic proportions.
" Why did the article say that? Because it commemorates the first "machzor gadol" falling on Passover when Israel was delivered from Egypt and the second "machzor gadol" when it was linked with Purim in the days of Queen Esther.
This is the third time that such an event every 28 years has coincided with the beginning of Passover.
This suggests huge significance, but what does it signify? In the biblical record of the first "machzor gadol," God took Israel from calamity in Egypt to a covenant relationship at Sinai.
There they became His kingdom and His bride, Exodus 19:5,6; Jeremiah 3:14.
But the bride (Israel) was unfaithful and went into apostasy.
God allowed them to be taken captive by the Assyrians, but they didn't return to the Promised Land.
God "scattered them among the heathen," Ezekiel 36:19.
Many settled Europe, intermarried with Christians and came to the New World seeking freedom.
Christians claim Jewish roots.
"If ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise.
" Galatians 3:29.
So in some sense, Christians may be considered spiritual Israel, and the time of deliverance from Egypt (needing an "exodus" from public school sex education for your child?) may be at hand.
How is this so? God asked Ezekiel to lie on his side for 390 days-a day for each of the 390 years Israel disobeyed, Ezekiel 4:5,6.
But God also said, If you don't learn your lesson, I will punish you seven times over, Leviticus 26:18,21,24,28.
7 x 390 years = 2730 years.
Israel's captivity began in 722 BC.
Subtract 722 from 2730 = 2008, but we recall there was no year "0" so it's 2009.
(Assyrian Captivity of Israel, Wikipedia found by Google).
The Bible says, "He that scattered Israel will gather him," Jeremiah 31:10.
As God took Israel out of calamity in Egypt, we should expect that a replay of this history may be impending.
"Brethren, I would not have you ignorant how that our fathers passed through the sea...
All those things happened unto them for examples [types, margin] and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
" 1Corinthians 10:1,11.
Passover was the time of deliverance from Egypt after they ate the Passover lamb.
1400 years later, a Jewish prophet proclaimed, "Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world," John 1:29.
Christians believe the Savior fulfilled the sacrificial system of the Jewish law and "and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
" Isaiah 53:6.
Known as a great teacher, he reflected concern for "the lost sheep of the house of Israel" that had been scattered, Matthew 15:24.
Was this on his mind when he used imagery from Egypt to foretell another cry at midnight in His wedding parable when another deliverance would be at hand, and another covenant made resulting in his Bride? Christ's clue at the end of his parable in which "the Bridegroom comes" (Matthew 25:6) points us to the law in Numbers 9:10,11 for Passover a month later as a provision for travel--"for the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling to a far country...
" Matthew 25:14.
And now comes the pope in this year of expectancy, and at the prophetic time of 2nd Passover, May 11 with a third clue by Christ pointing to expectancy for the pope at the very time that he is coming! Will he bring deliverance? Or will it be calamity first before the deliverance? When Titus sieged Jerusalem, Herod's Temple burned on the 10th day of the 5th Jewish month according to Josephus, the same date Solomon's Temple burned nearly 700 years earlier, Jeremiah 52:12,13.
This year the 10th day of the 5th month is August 2.
Calamity on that date may seem like a coincidence, but it would have biblical significance that begs further understanding.