The Top 3 Mistakes You Must Avoid So That You Do Not Lose Your Ex Forever
Mistake 1: Becoming Too 'Friend' With Your Ex There is nothing wrong with staying as friends with your ex.
The advantage is that you can get a foot in the door, in that you have the excuse to contact him/her.
However, you also want to avoid this trap of falling into the dreaded 'friend zone'.
Once you are deep into the 'friend zone', it is extremely hard to get out of it.
Your ex will start to see you as a great friend rather than a romantic partner.
Mistake 2: Begging, Pleading or Arguing Never argue with your ex.
Never plead and never beg.
You must not appear desperate in the eyes of your ex.
Doing so will only make you less attractive.
It will push your ex away and your ex will tend to avoid you even more.
Mistakes 3: Trying to Make Your Ex Jealous Some relationship 'experts' may encourage you to use jealousy to get your ex back.
Well, it may work for a few people but from my experience, it will backfire for most people.
The worst thing that can happen is when your ex thinks you have already moved on because you are already dating someone else.
This may cause your ex to withdraw automatically.
Initially, he/she may be thinking of wooing you back.
But just the sight of you with another guy/gal will cause him/her to drop that idea altogether.
Jealousy is a dangerous tactic that you should try not to use.