Some Background on the Theories of a Polar Switch 2012
Many people are similar to you who have heard the stories and seen the movie but are still mostly "on the fence" when it comes to really subscribing to believing there will be a polar switch 2012.
I guess the biggest lot of credence has to be given to the Mayan Calendar.
This is a calendar that was devised by an ancient civilization back in early 6th Century.
The Mayans were a people that were obsessed with mathematics and astronomy.
They really had some ideas and methods that were way before their time and to look back on it is truly remarkable.
This Mayan Calendar was actually used as the basic blueprint for the same calendar that we use today all around the globe.
The Mayans managed to predict various major events in our pasts (their futures) and some of them were eerily accurate.
One of the predictions had to do with white man settling in America.
Another was about the dates and years that the World Wars one and two were fought.
It wasn't just the Mayans that believed so strongly in their calendar.
Nostradamus and Einstein also held the Mayan calendar as an accurate indicator of our future.
The problem with this calendar is that it ends suddenly on December 21, 2012.
This is due to what many believe is the polar switch 2012, and the earth being thrown into absolute chaos and calamity.