I Just Broke Up With My Boyfriend, Now What?
Even if you were the one doing the dumping, it will still effect you on some level.
Now that you have called it quits with your boyfriend, you are probably wondering where do you go from here? There are various scenarios that could occur after breaking up.
Let's take a look at some common ones.
He wants wants you back - It's not uncommon for your boyfriend to want to restore the relationship.
Maybe he was unaware that there were issues.
He could also want to improve and make things work.
This could mean a lot more communication from him in terms of calling, texting, emailing - in other words, he may do a lot of begging to win you back.
Be prepared for the onslaught and be up front with him if you do not want to try again.
Leading him on by saying what he wants to hear just to get him off your back can lead to more trouble down the road.
Be honest and let him know it's over.
You want to date right away - Dating right away after a break-up is most commonly referred to as "being on the rebound.
" Many people view this as a bad move because chances are you are trying to replace what you had with your boyfriend.
You may not view it that way but jumping into the dating scene can cause a new set of issues for you that you are not emotionally ready to handle.
You may be dating out of anger, frustration, jealousy, or other negative emotion.
It isn't fair to the people you choose to date and will only cause more problems for you.
It's not wrong to date right away but be aware of your feelings.
You want him back - Do you feel like you've made a mistake by breaking up with your boyfriend? Sometimes couples reach the point where someone has to end the relationship, however, it ends up being a blessing in disguise.
It is during this time that you both realize just how much you truly mean to each other.
Time apart is often necessary.
It is like taking a deep breath and starting over.
If this is the case for you, don't worry because you can still get him back.
It is a matter of saying and doing the right things.
Prove to him that you are serious and acted out of anger and frustration.