Contact Lenses: A Bird’S Eye View
Types of contact lenses: the contact lenses which are available in today’s market can be categorized into four basic types. Such as, disposable contact lenses, contactlenzen for extended wear, contact lenses for flexible wear and gas permeable contact lenses. Another type is also available which is for special eye care needs.
Here’s a list of helpful info for the first time contact lens wearer.
Disposable lenses: disposable contact lenses are made for those people who don’t have time to do the daily cleaning of the lenses. Some disposable lenses are meant to be changed daily while some others need weekly or monthly dispose. Annually disposable contactlenzen are also available. The annual contact lenses are made of a material which is soft and allows oxygen into the eyes.
Gas permeable or Rigid gas permeable or Oxygen permeable contact lenses: These kinds of lenses provide much clearer vision, allowing more oxygen into the eye. GP or RGP lenses are much easy to clean and last for a longer time than their other counterparts. But, these lenses are not easily adaptable. It takes time.
Extended or flexible wear contact lenses: extended wear contactlenzen can be worn for 30 days at a stretch. Aimed at people who are always on the go, these lenses don’t need everyday cleaning. You can even sleep wearing a flexible contact lens. Made of soft, flexible plastic, this kind of contact lenses are extremely comfortable and lets more oxygen to get into the eye.
Toric lenses: This kind of a contact lens is specially designed to cure an eye problem called ‘Astigmatism’. They come in two varieties namely, soft and gas permeable. The level of comfort and clarity of vision for toric lenses are same as other types of contactlenzen.
Wearing a contact lens:
First, you should always wash and dry your hands properly before touching the contact. Then put the lens on your fingertips (cup side up) and pour the liquid on it. Watch the lens closely for any kind of foreign particle. Then hold up your upper eyelid with a finger and pull your lower eyelid with another one. Look up and place the lens on the white portion of your eye. Then release your lower eyelid so that it goes up. Then look down at the floor and close your eyes for a minute. If you are getting a blurred vision, apply a few drops of the fluid onto your lenses.
Removing a contact lens:
First bend over and place your palm under the eye as if to catch something. Look down and move your finger upward and downward to take out the lens from your eye. Then clean with the solution to disinfect the lens. Always repeat all the steps for wearing and removing a contactlenzen because if you skip a step, you might end up having an infection in the eye.