How Can Your Children Learn About Tractors and Machinery?
In the future they must learn about Artificial Intelligence, BioTech, Robotics and Virtual Reality, of course, this does not let them off the hook for needing to learn about machinery and equipment.
Nor does it mean they can by-pass on writing, reading or arithmetic either.
With that said you need to start your children off early and allow them to learn about machinery and about equipment.
Take the basic tractor for instance, students and young adults as early as 3-5 years old need to understand the world around them, for safety reasons and to get a feel of how the flow of things in our civilization work.
Where the food comes from and how things are built for instance.
To insure that your children are not left behind and learn all they need to know, it is often wise to buy pictorial books that show them and tell them of the world they will soon be entering.
It is for this reason that I'd like to recommend a very good book on Tractors to you.
As a parent it is not such a bad idea to have books like this and others around the house; "The USBORNE Book of Tractors" by Caroline Young; Usborne Publishing Company, LTD; England, 1992.
Illustrated by Chis Lyon and Teri Gower with consultant Mick Roberts (Machinery Editor; Farmers Weekly).
This wonderful book depicts tractors of all types in many different aspects of Farming, and it will give your children a much better understanding of how things are harvested, prepared and grown.
And how they get to market; indeed they will enjoy this book and I wish to salute you as a parent for teaching your children all there is to know.