How to Paint the Inside of a Refrigerator
- 1). Unplug the refrigerator and remove all items from the interior.
- 2). Open the refrigerator and remove the racks. Wash the refrigerator interior with a dish soap. Scrub the racks with steel wool. Bits of food and grease will prevent primer adhesion. Take your time and thoroughly clean each surface. Rinse the refrigerator interior with rags and allow three hours drying time.
- 3). Sand the racks and refrigerator interior to establish a rough surface that will encourage primer adhesion. Stop when the interior feels slightly rough.
- 4). Cover the exterior of the refrigerator with masking paper to protect it from overspray. Fasten the paper in place with a low-tack painter's tape. Set the racks on a drop cloth.
- 5). Put on a protective respirator.
- 6). Coat the racks and sanded refrigerator interior with spray primer. Maintain 8 inches between each surface and the spray tip as you apply. This distance is critical, as it will prevent the finish from sagging. Let the racks and refrigerator interior dry for two hours.
- 7). Paint each surface just as you primed it. An appliance epoxy is best suited for refrigerator interiors and racks.